[GeoNode-users] Zoom to layer extend does not work (Paulo Frias)
Alessio Fabiani
alessio.fabiani at geo-solutions.it
Fri Oct 12 00:40:28 PDT 2018
Warning: recently an issue with flipping coordinates has been solved both
on master and 2.8.x branch
Il giorno ven 12 ott 2018 alle ore 01:33 Elton Davis Turin Espinoza <
eturine at uni.pe> ha scritto:
> Hi all,
> To put the center fixed you have to put the following line in
> *bbox_to_projection* of utils.py
> return ('-9922388.889', '- 2433184.889', '- 7071944.441', '600704.003',
> 'EPSG: 900913')
> King regards
> Elton
> El jue., 11 oct. 2018 a las 15:52, Elton Davis Turin Espinoza (<
> eturine at uni.pe>) escribió:
>> Hi all,
>> They solved the problem with a 2.18 geonode installed by ppa apt-get?
>> Please tell me what steps i make the zoom work. At least one with a fixed
>> center.
>> Kind regards
>> Elton
>> El vie., 28 sept. 2018 a las 3:07, Matteo Conte (<matteo.conte at abitat.it>)
>> escribió:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have same issue. Geoserver layer preview work fine.
>>> Kind regards
>>> Matteo
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