[GeoNode-users] Uploading Shapefile(Polygon features) - Displaying as Point in GeoNode Map/layer View

Naresh N naresh919 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 8 04:28:38 PDT 2019

Dear All,

I have deployed the GeoNode 2.4 version by following  the instructions


*ISSUE : *When I am uploading shapefile(polygon), it is taking the default
point SLD. Hence when I am viewing the Uploaded Shapfeil(polygon) as WMS in
Map/Layer View , it is displaying as point.

*Kindly help me to resolve this issue. *

GeoNode Deployed system configuration are

*OS:*RHEL 7.2, 64 bit , GeoNode2.4 version

Please let me know any other information required further to understand the

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