[GeoNode-users] GWC doesn't work normaly for GeoExt client on docker Geonode 2.10 master

Alessio Fabiani alessio.fabiani at geo-solutions.it
Wed Jan 30 00:46:41 PST 2019

Hello Dejan,
can you please convert this into an issue on github?

Il giorno lun 28 gen 2019 alle ore 16:37 Dejan Samardzic <
dejan.samardzic at cedis.me> ha scritto:

> Dear Geonode community,
> We have made docker Gonode 2.10 master branch installation on Ubuntu 18.04
> by Alessio's guide:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S0ac9IR9IW9tUjMu7JETPLUjnfQ6P87m1PKNko8IPWY/edit
> after that we have configure GeoWebCache:
> 1) We have configure Caching to external postgresql database:
> Tile caching - Disk quota....Enable disk Quota ....Maximum tile cache size
> 50GiB
> Disk quota check frequency:600s
> Disk quota store type....External database
> Target database type....PostgreSQL
> JDBC data source...GeoServer managed connection pool
> JDBC Driver class name.....org.postgresql.Driver
> JDBC connection URL.....jdbc:postgresql://db:5432/geonode
> User name.....geonode
> Password.....****
> Validation query.....select 1
> 2) Define path for cache
> From geoserver container:
> mkdir /var/cache/geoserver
> chmod -R 777 geoserver
> vi /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/web.xml
> insert :
> <context-param>
>        <param-name>GEOWEBCACHE_CACHE_DIR</param-name>
>        <param-value>/var/cache/geoserver/</param-value>
> </context-param>
> Now, GeoWebCache doesn't work (geowebcache-cache-result is always MISS and
> system is not generating png files in GEOWEBCACHE_CACHE_DIR).
> We have to remove/add that specitic layer in Geoserver->Tile Caching->Tile
> Layers. After that, GWC start working normally (geowebcache-cache-result is
> HIT and system start generating png files in GEOWEBCACHE_CACHE_DIR).
> Let me underline that before and after this remove/add actions, url on
> browser's Developer Tool has the same structure like:
> http://testgis.cedis.me/geoserver/ows?access_token=pNPeKSZxG60GgtYcUJ97RCMKKGuIXm&LAYERS=geonode%3Anovi_r5_Grbalj_3_10kV_izmjenjen&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&TILED=true&SRS=EPSG%3A3857&BBOX=2088259.6124603,5217897.2981329,2088565.3605734,5218203.046246&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256
> Please watch for yourself:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Y0KIBOowDM
> Regards,
> Dejan.
> --
> * Dejan Samardžić* Rukovodilac Sektora za ICT / IT Manager
> CEDIS d.o.o.
> Ivana Milutinovića 12, 81000 Podgorica
> gsm: +382 67 220 971
> tel: +382 20 408 453
> email: dejan.samardzic at cedis.me
> web: www.cedis.me
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