[GeoNode-users] GWC doesn't work normaly for GeoExt client on docker Geonode 2.10 master

Dejan Samardzic dejan.samardzic at cedis.me
Mon Jan 28 07:03:21 PST 2019

Dear Geonode community,

We have made docker Gonode 2.10 master branch installation on Ubuntu 18.04 by Alessio's guide:


after that we have configure GeoWebCache:
1) We have configure Caching to external postgresql database:
Tile caching - Disk quota....Enable disk Quota ....Maximum tile cache size 50GiB
Disk quota check frequency:600s
Disk quota store type....External database
Target database type....PostgreSQL
JDBC data source...GeoServer managed connection pool
JDBC Driver class name.....org.postgresql.Driver
JDBC connection URL.....jdbc:postgresql://db:5432/geonode
User name.....geonode
Validation query.....select 1

2) Define path for cache
>From geoserver container:
mkdir /var/cache/geoserver
chmod -R 777 geoserver
vi /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/web.xml
insert :

Now, GeoWebCache doesn't work (geowebcache-cache-result is always MISS and system is not generating png files in GEOWEBCACHE_CACHE_DIR).
We have to remove/add that specitic layer in Geoserver->Tile Caching->Tile Layers. After that, GWC start working normally (geowebcache-cache-result is HIT and system start generating png files in GEOWEBCACHE_CACHE_DIR).
Let me underline that before and after this remove/add actions, url on browser's Developer Tool has the same structure like:

Please watch for yourself:


 Dejan Samardžić        Rukovodilac Sektora za ICT / IT Manager

[cid:part1.024E2240.9C760C1E at cedis.me]
CEDIS d.o.o.
Ivana Milutinovića 12, 81000 Podgorica
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tel:    +382 20 408 453
email:  dejan.samardzic at cedis.me<mailto:dejan.samardzic at cedis.me>
web:    www.cedis.me<http://www.cedis.me>

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