[GeoNode-users] Issue with SLD uploads in latest version of GeoNode

Ramesh De Silva desilvarami at gmail.com
Mon Feb 24 01:19:22 PST 2025

Dear Giovanni,

First of all, my apologies for forgetting to copy my last email to the

By the way, I have figured out the reason for this. It's due to case
sensitivity. In QGIS and the generated SLD File, the classified attribute
is shown in uppercase (NAME_1).

[image: image.png]

But I found that in GeoServer it is shown in lowercase (name_1).

[image: image.png]

Therefore, I have edited the SLD in GeoServer level and replaced NAME_1 to
name_1. After that everything was OK.

Alternatively, I have edited the raw SLD file with lowercase entries and
tried another upload (dataset together with the edited SLD). In that case
it worked without any issue.

I hope this discussion thread would be helpful, if someone comes across a
similar situation.

Thank you for extending a helping hand.

Kind regards

On Fri, Feb 21, 2025 at 3:11 PM Ramesh De Silva <desilvarami at gmail.com>

> Dear Giovanni,
> Thank you for the quick response. Please find attached the said SLD file.
> The uploaded dataset can be found here in Stable Demo:
> https://stable.demo.geonode.org/catalogue/#/dataset/13008
> The following image shows the same dataset uploaded with the same SLD in a
> GeoNode version 4.0 in a previous occasion. In case you need, I am
> attaching the complete dataset as well.
> [image: image.png]
> Actually I am facing this issue with some other datasets as well (which I
> used to seamlessly upload in version 4.0).
> Kind regards
> Ramesh
> On Fri, Feb 21, 2025 at 2:42 PM Giovanni Allegri <
> giovanni.allegri at geosolutionsgroup.com> wrote:
>> Hi Ramesh,
>> could you share the SLD?
>> Giovanni
>> On Fri, Feb 21, 2025 at 6:41 AM Ramesh De Silva via geonode-users <
>> geonode-users at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am experiencing some issues with SLD uploads with the latest stable
>>> version of the GeoNode. When I include a SLD (generated via QGIS) together
>>> with the dataset, it fails to draw the layer. The dataset I refer to here
>>> is a polygon dataset classified on a text field. In GeoNode "visual
>>> editor", the SLD rules were not shown as classification rules but as many
>>> simple styles.  If I manually make any modifications to the style, it does
>>> not allow me to save the changes. I have tested this in GeoNode Stable Demo
>>> as well. The result was the same.
>>> I was able to smoothly upload the very same dataset together with the
>>> very same SLD file in GeoNode version 4.0.
>>> Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
>>> Kind Regards
>>> Ramesh
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