[Geoprisma-users] Problems trying to get edit attributes in a panel instead of inwindow

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Sun Dec 20 18:39:57 EST 2009

This is not critical and I know you said it was not tested.
I step up a test case to try this out and I get an error in ext-all.js 
and the stack trace does not help me understand the issue.


I set <inwindow>false</inwindow>


And added the following to the xslt template:

        <xsl:for-each select="/geoprisma/widgets/widget[./type = 
          <xsl:if test="./options/inwindow = 'false'">
            <xsl:call-template name="featurepanel_form:drawWidget">
              <xsl:with-param name="pWidgetName" select="./name" />

And what I end up with is a lot of lines like:


where these are all undefined:


So I'm probably missing something the outputs those definitions.

I also suspect the I probably want something more like the QuickZoomForm 
where all of these objects get pushed onto an items[] array and then 
that is pushed on the panel so there is only one tab with all the 
featurepanel_form in it and the widget then makes the appropriate one 
visible when it is used and populated with values.

If this is a bug let me know and I'll write it up with any additional 
explanation you want me to add.


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