[Geoprisma-users] bdga config.xml

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Wed Nov 25 23:20:10 EST 2009


Following through your tutorial, I pick the bdga demo to use as a model 
for my project. I noticed it does not have a config.xml in the samples 

A little more investigation shows:

diff common.php /u/geoprisma/projects/corsicana/config/.
< org_geoprisma_SettingImpl::setXMLConfigFile("$strCurrentDir/config.xml");

which appears to be located at trunk/config/config-bdga.xml

Also the bdga sample does not have a template.xslt file either. Maybe is 
is not a good sample to use as a base to clone.

For my first project (this might be too complicated), I have gotten this 

1) loaded all the data into postgis
2) can server all the data via WMS and mapserver
3) installed featureserver, but have no idea how to configure it with 
the data in postgis

What to build an application with the following:

Resources        Services    Actions   Roles
---------        ----------  -------   ---------
                  + GYMO      Read      all

fmroads          +
highways         |
interstate       | WMS, FS   ALL       roads_dept
serviceroads     |           Read      all
streets          +

onemileetj       +
citylimits       |
lakes            | WMS, FS   ALL       gis_dept
votingprecincts  |           Read      all
railroads        +

parcels          + WMS, FS   ALL       tax_dept
                              Read      all

zoning           + WMS, FS   ALL       zoning_dept
                              Read      all

You mentioned getting started with the NO_ACL driver and then add the 
ACLs later.

This probably means I need the following widgets:

QueryOnClick for read only users
FeaturePanel_Form for create, update users
FeaturePanel_Selector or ResultExtGrid? for read only users
GeoExtToolbar or Toolbar
EditFeature widgets for the create, update users
Merge widgets for the create, update users
Split widgets for the create, update users
Others not listed in 
but are in the samples.

Is there a better sample to look at? Or just start with one and then add 
widgets to it as Iget each in turn working.


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