[geos-commits] [SCM] GEOS branch 3.12 updated. e88005cba191b221bf091d4bc03fcc4635ed8003

git at osgeo.org git at osgeo.org
Fri Feb 21 14:22:18 PST 2025

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "GEOS".

The branch, 3.12 has been updated
       via  e88005cba191b221bf091d4bc03fcc4635ed8003 (commit)
      from  4c5eddc954a98a65119c25098f40771bb072fd05 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit e88005cba191b221bf091d4bc03fcc4635ed8003
Author: Paul Ramsey <pramsey at cleverelephant.ca>
Date:   Fri Feb 21 14:21:49 2025 -0800

        Update CI for deprecation of Ubuntu 20.04

diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
index be719afc2..b11340533 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -36,56 +36,17 @@ jobs:
           cmake_extra: '-DBUILD_BENCHMARKS=ON'
           os: ubuntu-latest
-          # gcc 6 and lower are not supported
-          # in ubuntu 20.04 and higher
-        - cxx_compiler: g++-7
-          c_compiler: gcc-7
-          build_type: Release
-          cxxstd: 14
-          arch: 64
-          packages: 'g++-7-multilib gcc-7-multilib'
-          cmake: 3.13.*
-          os: ubuntu-20.04
-        - cxx_compiler: g++-7
-          c_compiler: gcc-7
-          build_type: Release
-          cxxstd: 14
-          arch: 32
-          packages: 'g++-7-multilib gcc-7-multilib g++-multilib gcc-multilib'
-          cmake: 3.13.*
-          os: ubuntu-20.04
-        - cxx_compiler: g++-8
-          c_compiler: gcc-8
-          build_type: Release
-          cxxstd: 14
-          arch: 64
-          packages: 'g++-8-multilib gcc-8-multilib'
-          cmake: 3.13.*
-          os: ubuntu-20.04
-        - cxx_compiler: g++-9
-          c_compiler: gcc-9
-          build_type: Release
-          cxxstd: 14
-          arch: 64
-          packages: 'g++-9-multilib gcc-9-multilib'
-          cmake: 3.13.*
-          os: ubuntu-20.04
+          # gcc 9 and lower are not supported
+          # in ubuntu 22.04 and higher
         - cxx_compiler: g++-10
           c_compiler: gcc-10
           build_type: Release
-          cxxstd: 14
+          cxxstd: 17
           arch: 64
           packages: 'g++-10-multilib gcc-10-multilib'
-          cmake: 3.13.*
-          os: ubuntu-20.04
-          # gcc 10 and lower are not supported
-          # in ubuntu 22.04 and higher
+          cmake: 3.15.*
+          os: ubuntu-22.04
         - cxx_compiler: g++-11
           c_compiler: gcc-11
@@ -105,44 +66,26 @@ jobs:
           cmake: 3.22.*
           os: ubuntu-22.04
-          # clang 6 and lower are not supported
-          # in ubuntu 20.04 and higher
+          # gcc 12 and lower are not supported
+          # in ubuntu 24.04 and higher
-        - cxx_compiler: clang++-7
-          c_compiler: clang-7
+        - cxx_compiler: g++-13
+          c_compiler: gcc-13
           build_type: Release
-          cxxstd: 14
+          cxxstd: 20
           arch: 64
-          packages: 'clang-7'
-          cmake: 3.13.*
-          os: ubuntu-20.04
+          packages: 'g++-13-multilib gcc-13-multilib'
+          cmake: 3.25.*
+          os: ubuntu-24.04
-        - cxx_compiler: clang++-8
-          c_compiler: clang-8
+        - cxx_compiler: g++-14
+          c_compiler: gcc-14
           build_type: Release
-          cxxstd: 14
+          cxxstd: 20
           arch: 64
-          packages: 'clang-8'
-          cmake: 3.13.*
-          os: ubuntu-20.04
-        - cxx_compiler: clang++-9
-          c_compiler: clang-9
-          build_type: Release
-          cxxstd: 14
-          arch: 64
-          packages: 'clang-9'
-          cmake: 3.13.*
-          os: ubuntu-20.04
-        - cxx_compiler: clang++-10
-          c_compiler: clang-10
-          build_type: Release
-          cxxstd: 14
-          arch: 64
-          packages: 'clang-10'
-          cmake: 3.17.*
-          os: ubuntu-20.04
+          packages: 'g++-14-multilib gcc-14-multilib'
+          cmake: 3.31.*
+          os: ubuntu-24.04
           # clang 10 and lower are not supported
           # in ubuntu 22.04 and higher
@@ -183,6 +126,15 @@ jobs:
           cmake: 3.25.*
           os: ubuntu-22.04
+        - cxx_compiler: clang++-15
+          c_compiler: clang-15
+          build_type: ASAN
+          cxxstd: 20
+          arch: 64
+          packages: 'clang-15'
+          cmake: 3.24.*
+          os: ubuntu-22.04
     runs-on: ${{ matrix.ci.os }}
@@ -457,32 +409,3 @@ jobs:
       run: |
-  cmake-subproject:
-    name: 'CMake Subproject'
-    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
-    steps:
-    - name: 'Install'
-      run: |
-        set -e
-        uname -a
-        sudo -E apt-get update
-        sudo -E apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install make python3-pip g++
-        python3 -m pip install --disable-pip-version-check --user cmake==3.13.*
-        echo "$(python3 -m site --user-base)/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
-    - name: 'Check Out'
-      uses: actions/checkout at v4
-      with:
-        path: geos
-    - name: 'CMake Superbuild'
-      run: |
-        set -e
-        cp geos/tests/superbuild.CMakeLists.txt ./CMakeLists.txt
-        cp geos/examples/capi_read.c .
-        cmake --version
-        cmake -S . -B build
-        cmake --build build -j 2
-        build/capi_read
-        test ! -f build/geos/bin/test_geos_unit || { echo "Error: GEOS tests were built" 1>&2 ; exit 1; }


Summary of changes:
 .github/workflows/ci.yml | 133 ++++++++++-------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-)


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