[geos-devel] destroying a Polygonizer

strk at refractions.net strk at refractions.net
Tue Oct 19 04:24:21 EDT 2004

On Mon, Oct 18, 2004 at 11:01:34PM -0700, Carlos A. Rueda wrote:
> Hello,
> What is the proper way to destroy a geos::Polygonizer object completely?
> I'm getting the polygons given by polygonizer.getPolygons(), using them  
> and then destroying them manually. Externally, I could also destroy 
> getDangles(), getCutEdges(), getInvalidRingLines(), but by looking at 
> Polygonizer::~Polygonizer(), it seems I would also need to manually 
> destroy other protected members (holeList, shellList), which can be done 
> via a subclass.  Am I missing something?
> thanks
> -c

I don't think you should destroy getDangles(), getCutEdges() and
getInvelidRingLines(). Also, holeList and shellList should be
destroyed by Polygonized destructor.
I'm working on it. Polygonize and LineMerge are newly added classes
still bugus.
Thanks for the report.

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