[geos-devel] Motion: GEOS-3.3.0 feature freeze

Charlie Savage cfis at savagexi.com
Sun Apr 17 16:57:32 EDT 2011

> It would be pretty cool to have a group on github for this sort of
> stuff, sure. I'm not quite done with ffi-proj4 due to some weirdness
> in jruby, but it's coming along, but that's a whole other thing I
> guess.

So I haven't done this myself, but if I go to github and click "Switch 
Context" on the right then there is a choice to manage organizations. 
 From there you can create a new one.  What I'm not quite sure about is 
how to then migrate your repository to the organization.

Anyway, let me know if you want to proceed with that or not.  Once we've 
figured that out, I can clone the repo and do some windows testing. 
Probably won't be for a couple weeks though...in the midst of a move at 
the moment.
> Windows isn't going to work out of the box at the moment
> unfortunately, as it just dawned on me that I had forgotten to add any
> sort DLL searching code for MingW or whatever. Hard to test without a
> Windows machine available. :/

Yup, I'm happy to test this and fix up any issues.


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