[geos-devel] Ready to switch from SVN to GIT ?

Sandro Santilli strk at kbt.io
Tue Apr 4 03:09:20 PDT 2017

I think we're finally ready to move the official repository
from SVN to GIT, after dealing with the known issues in
ticket https://trac.osgeo.org/geos/ticket/792

What would need to be done next is:

 - Set SVN repository as read-only
 - Ask developers to push new changes to "the" GIT repo

NOTE that only the code repository would change, while issues
milestone and wiki will still be kept under trac, which is
already giving read access to a GIT repository (currently
being a mirror) and is parsing the git commit logs to automatically
comment or close tickets.

* So now which GIT repo ? *

At the moment the GIT repository tracked by Trac is the one
managed by Gogs.

Gogs does not read group permissions from LDAP, but provides an
UI for organization owners to add/remove members from the team.

At this moment the "Owners" team of the "geos" organization
is composed by me and Regina (of PSC) and Mateusz. Owners have
full access to all repositories in the organization (we have 6
of them right now, some of which are private). Another team
is the "php-geos-developers" one composed by myself and "darkpanda"
who have write access to the php-geos repository.

In order to move the official code under Gogs we'll need to reflect
current roles in the project, which means getting all PSC members
in the owners team and giving committers push access to the repository,
but this can be done only once the users actually log into the system
at least once.

I'll give some time to PSC members to react to this and state whether
they agree on the move or what alternative they suggest.


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