[geos-devel] GEOS RFC 10 - Move Project to GitHub

Nicklas Larsson n_larsson at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 2 06:58:45 PDT 2021

I think it would be regrettable if also GEOS went all-in for GitHub. In my opinion -- apart from sharing a skeptical view with Sandro and Regina regarding move everything to The One Corp -- in particular the Issue system of GH is way inferior to trac tickets.

MacPorts [1] has come up with a hybrid system, hooking up trac with GH, which I think works fine and may be considered as an alternative. This allows e.g. in-logging to trac with GH creds; allowing automatic closing of tickets on merging of connected PRs.


[1]  https://github.com/macports/trac.macports.org

> On Friday, 29 October 2021, 21:13:24 CEST, Paul Ramsey <pramsey at cleverelephant.ca> wrote:
> http://libgeos.org/development/rfcs/rfc10/
> GitHub has been the largest source of 3rd party code contribution via pull-requests for some time now.
> Moving to Github has the following components:
>     • Move the canonical (writeable) repository to GitHub
>     • Migrate the (current, useful) contents of the Trac wiki to the new web framework
>     • Deleting the migrated and out-of-date contents of the Trac wiki
>     • Switching the Trac tickets to read-only
>     • Web scraping the Trac ticket contents and placing in a geos-old-tickets repo
> At that point:
>     • New code is pushed to GitHub
>     • New issues are filed at GitHub
>     • New documentation is committed to the repository
> This should unlock:
>     • Easier path for new contributors to discover and assist with the project
>     • Easier collaboration with downstream projects
>     • Far easier story on “how to we manage the project” and “where the important things happen”
>     • Far less dependence on individual contributors for infrastructure work that only they can do
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