[geotk] First steps with GO2 renderer

Sam B totalsam at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 26 05:24:28 EDT 2009

Hi all !

Here are my first steps. I am trying to do a small demo file that I could share if it works... I am reading PUZZLE-GIS code source to do this.

There's something strange. When I run 

                 mapWidget = new JMap2D();

I get :

                 Error while parsing JAI registry file "file:/E:/rep/org/geotoolkit/pending/geotk-go2/3.02/geotk-go2-3.02.jar!/META-INF/registryFile.jai" :
                 Error in registry file at line number #36
                 No descriptor by name "org.geotoolkit.ShadedRelief" is registered under mode "rendered".

But this doesn't crash the program at all... Is it normal ?

Then I saw that GeoTIFF is not fully implemented (GeoTiffFactory.buildSimpleReader) so I decided to try to get an image from a WMS server.

Now, my compiler complains about

                 final MapLayer layer = new WMSMapLayer(server,featureName);

saying that

                 cannot find symbol symbol  : constructor WMSMapLayer(org.geotoolkit.wms.WebMapServer,java.lang.String)

Which seems strange, because the WMSMapLayer.java has a constructor ( public WMSMapLayer(WebMapServer server,String ... layers) ).

When I expand the JAR from the "libraries" in my netbeans project, the Navigator only displays "WMSMapLayer :: AbstractMapLayer : DynamicMapLayer", with no methods nor constructor...

Is it a way to solve this problem ?

Many thanks in advance,


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