[geotk] Compiling Coverage IO module geotoolkit
Cédric Briançon
cedric.briancon at geomatys.fr
Thu Jul 2 09:15:56 EDT 2009
Pleased to hear that it now works for you :)
About your note, I don't think that the recent updates of Sun JDK comes
with JAI or JAI-IO projects in them, I'm not aware of that. I'm still on
jdk6u10 on linux 64 bits, and these projects do not come along with the
JDK. If you already have this jar in your JDK lib/ext directory, then it
is probably due to an old installation you've already done /tryed in the
Cédric Briançon.
theuns a écrit :
> Thank for your quick replay Cedric
> I looked in the jai_imageio.jar and the stuff was not in there.
> So i download it again , just to make sure i do get the right one ,
> change the .bin to .zip extract the packages , inspect them , and copied
> them to the correct places, and it compiled.
> So i suspect the problem was PEBCAK (Problem Exist Between Chair And
> Keybaord).
> Thanks for your help.
> PS. There was already a jai_imageio.jar file in the JDK's runtime?
> Does the Sun JDK comes with its own version of jai_imageio.jar?
> Thanks Again
> On Thu, 2009-07-02 at 14:37 +0200, Cédric Briançon wrote:
>> Hi,
>> the package com.sun.media.imageio.stream is part of the archive
>> jai_imageio.jar. Could you check in there ?
>> If your jar contains this package, and the error persists, then you
>> should have a look to the reading permissions on the jar you have just
>> installed.
>> Just to check, when you launch "mvn -version", do you see that the jvm
>> used is the jdk1.6.0_14 ?
>> Regards,
>> Cédric Briançon.
>> theuns a écrit :
>>> hi
>>> The message i get when compiling the Coverage I/O with maven is:
>>> package com.sun.media.imageio.stream does not exist
>>> Here is what i did:
>>> 1. Downloaded jai_imageio-1_1-lib-linux-amd64-jdk.bin from
>>> https://jai-imageio.dev.java.net/binary-builds.html#Release_builds
>>> 2. Downloaded jai-1_1_3-lib-linux-amd64-jdk.bin from
>>> https://jai.dev.java.net/binary-builds.html#Release_builds
>>> 3. Followed the install instructions from the website, and only the
>>> jai-1_1_3-lib-linux-amd64-jdk.bin installed correctly, the other one
>>> give errors like "tail +245" errors. I googled the errors and came upon
>>> a thread, where the one guy , changed the extention to a .zip file and
>>> the copied the files into the correct directory. So that what i did.
>>> I browsed the jar files that was provided by the JAI downloads and could
>>> not find com.sun.media.imageio.stream, so is this class in the JAI
>>> stuff, or somewhere else?
>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>> Here is a ls of the directories on my machine in the JRE.
>>> theuns at theuns-laptop:/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_14/jre/lib/ext$ ls
>>> clibwrapper_jiio.jar jai_codec.jar jai_imageio.jar meta-index
>>> sunjce_provider.jar
>>> dnsns.jar jai_core.jar localedata.jar
>>> mlibwrapper_jai.jar sunpkcs11.jar
>>> theuns at theuns-laptop:/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_14/jre/lib$ ls amd64/
>>> headless libcmm.so libinstrument.so
>>> libjava_crw_demo.so libjpeg.so libmlib_jai.so libnpt.so
>>> libzip.so
>>> jli libdcpr.so libioser12.so
>>> libjavaplugin_jni.so libjsig.so libnative_chmod_g.so librmi.so
>>> motif21
>>> jvm.cfg libdeploy.so libj2gss.so libjava.so
>>> libjsoundalsa.so libnative_chmod.so libsaproc.so
>>> native_threadstheuns at theuns-laptop:/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_14/jre/lib$ ls
>>> amd64/
>>> headless libcmm.so libinstrument.so
>>> libjava_crw_demo.so libjpeg.so libmlib_jai.so libnpt.so
>>> libzip.so
>>> jli libdcpr.so libioser12.so
>>> libjavaplugin_jni.so libjsig.so libnative_chmod_g.so librmi.so
>>> motif21
>>> jvm.cfg libdeploy.so libj2gss.so libjava.so
>>> libjsoundalsa.so libnative_chmod.so libsaproc.so
>>> native_threads
>>> libattach.so libdt_socket.so libj2pcsc.so libjawt.so
>>> libjsound.so libnet.so libsplashscreen.so server
>>> libawt.so libfontmanager.so libj2pkcs11.so libJdbcOdbc.so
>>> libmanagement.so libnio.so libunpack.so xawt
>>> libclib_jiio.so libhprof.so libjaas_unix.so libjdwp.so
>>> libmlib_image.so libnpjp2.so libverify.so
>>> libattach.so libdt_socket.so libj2pcsc.so libjawt.so
>>> libjsound.so libnet.so libsplashscreen.so server
>>> libawt.so libfontmanager.so libj2pkcs11.so libJdbcOdbc.so
>>> libmanagement.so libnio.so libunpack.so xawt
>>> libclib_jiio.so libhprof.so libjaas_unix.so libjdwp.so
>>> libmlib_image.so libnpjp2.so libverify.so
>>> Regards
>>> Theuns Heydenrych
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