[geotk] Finding a CRS code/URN from a CoordinateReferenceSystem object

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Wed Jun 17 16:00:13 EDT 2009

Jon Blower a écrit :
> Excellent!  Was that method present in GeoTools?  If so I must have
> missed it.  We plan to migrate to Geotoolkit anyway when we have a
> chance.

Yes it was in Geotools as well. Actually this is documented with the following 
convention, which is applied consistently in the whole library: when the @since 
javadoc tag gives any number in the 2.x range, it was in that Geotools version. 
So in this particular case the method was introduced in Geotools 2.4. Everything 
flagged "@since 3.00" or above is new in Geotoolkit.

Just as a side note, anything in the "@since 1.x" range come from pre-geotools age.

> So I guess the WKT database doesn't support this?

Actually I think it would work but I'm not sure; we need to try (and idealy add 
a JUnit test for making sure we will not have a regression). An advantage of the 
EPSG database is that this method takes advantage of database indexes for faster 
search, while the WKT database requires a sequential scan of all CRS. However if 
the WKT database is not big, it should not be a big issue.

And of course I'm very pleased if Geotoolkit can suit your need :). Please let 
me know or create a JIRA task (http://jira.geotoolkit.org) if the above method 
doesn't work or need to be extended.


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