[geotk] Transform from EPSG 4979 to 3D CRS

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Thu May 5 04:29:25 EDT 2011


Le 04/05/11 19:56, Aaron Braeckel a écrit :
> Are there any authorities (ex: EPSG) that define a general-purpose
> ellipsoidal vertical CRS analogous to EPSG:5714?

I'm not aware of any code in the EPSG, CRS, AUTO or AUTO2 namespace. Actually 
the ISO 19111 specification explicitely forbives "ellipsoidal height" as a 
standalone vertical CRS, for conceptual reason. They said that an ellipsoidal 
height makes sense only when associated to a geographic CRS (at the difference 
of other kind of height which can be used alone). Geotoolkit.org can handles 
standalone ellipsoidal heights for pragmatic reason, but this is a departure 
from ISO 19111 specification.

ISO 19111 handles ellipsoidal heights in a very special way. We can get an 
ellipsoidal height only as a component of a 3D Geographic CRS. There is a EPSG 
code for a 3D Geographic CRS (WGS84) with vertical ellipsoidal height: EPSG:4327.

For other kind of CRS (projected...), an alternative may be to use WKT. The WKT 
specification has been created before ISO 19111, at a time where standalone 
ellipsoidal height were not considered "bad". So it is possible to express them:

    VERT_CS["Ellipsoidal height",
       VERT_DATUM["Ellipsoidal height", 2002],
       UNIT["metre", 1.0],
       AXIS["Ellipsoidal height", UP]]

Except for the above WKT, if we want to be strictly ISO/OGC compliant, the main 
alternatives I can see are:


      Help OGC to restart the referencing SWG, and propose to allow standalone
      ellipsoidal height in some cases.


      Finish the "ellipsoidal to geoidal" transformation in Geotk. But even if
      this functionality was implemented, it would have significant cost at
      runtime, which may not be always desired.


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