[GRASS-SVN] r44859 - grass/trunk/lib/vector/Vlib

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Tue Jan 4 05:11:44 EST 2011

Author: mmetz
Date: 2011-01-04 02:11:44 -0800 (Tue, 04 Jan 2011)
New Revision: 44859

add file-based version of Vect_break_polygons()

Modified: grass/trunk/lib/vector/Vlib/break_polygons.c
--- grass/trunk/lib/vector/Vlib/break_polygons.c	2011-01-04 10:10:47 UTC (rev 44858)
+++ grass/trunk/lib/vector/Vlib/break_polygons.c	2011-01-04 10:11:44 UTC (rev 44859)
@@ -16,8 +16,10 @@
    \author Update for GRASS 7 Markus Metz
-#include <grass/config.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
 #include <math.h>
 #include <grass/gis.h>
 #include <grass/vector.h>
@@ -55,10 +57,29 @@
     double x, y;		/* coords */
     double a1, a2;		/* angles */
     char cross;			/* 0 - do not break, 1 - break */
+    char used;			/* 0 - was not used to break line, 1 - was used to break line
+				 *   this is stored because points are automaticaly marked as cross, even if not used 
+				 *   later to break lines */
 } XPNT;
+typedef struct
+    double a1, a2;		/* angles */
+    char cross;			/* 0 - do not break, 1 - break */
+    char used;			/* 0 - was not used to break line, 1 - was used to break line
+				 *   this is stored because points are automaticaly marked as cross, even if not used 
+				 *   later to break lines */
+} XPNT2;
+static int fpoint;
+/* Function called from RTreeSearch for point found */
+void srch(int id, int *arg)
+    fpoint = id;
 /* function used by binary tree to compare items */
 static int compare_xpnts(const void *Xpnta, const void *Xpntb)
     XPNT *a, *b;
@@ -83,28 +104,301 @@
     return 1;
-   \brief Break polygons in vector map.
+/* break polygons using a file-based search index */
+Vect_break_polygons_file(struct Map_info *Map, int type, struct Map_info *Err)
+    struct line_pnts *BPoints, *Points;
+    struct line_cats *Cats, *ErrCats;
+    int i, j, k, ret, ltype, broken, last, nlines;
+    int nbreaks;
+    struct RTree *RTree;
+    int apoints, npoints, nallpoints, nmarks;
+    XPNT2 XPnt;
+    struct Rect rect;
+    double dx, dy, a1 = 0, a2 = 0;
+    int closed, last_point;
+    char cross;
+    int fd, xpntfd;
+    char *filename;
+    G_debug(0, "File-based version of Vect_break_polygons()");
-   Breaks lines specified by type in vector map. Points at
-   intersections may be optionally written to error map. Input map
-   must be opened on level 2 for update at least on GV_BUILD_BASE.
+    filename = G_tempfile();
+    fd = open(filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600);
+    RTree = RTreeNewIndex(fd, 0, 2);
+    remove(filename);
-   Function is optimized for closed polygons rigs (e.g. imported from
-   OGR) but with clean geometry - adjacent polygons mostly have
-   identical boundary. Function creates database of ALL points in the
-   map, and then is looking for those where polygons should be broken.
-   Lines may be broken only at points existing in input map!
+    filename = G_tempfile();
+    xpntfd = open(filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600);
+    remove(filename);
-   \param Map input map where polygons will be broken
-   \param type type of line to be broken
-   \param Err vector map where points at intersections will be written or NULL
+    BPoints = Vect_new_line_struct();
+    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();
+    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
+    ErrCats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
-   \return
- */
+    nlines = Vect_get_num_lines(Map);
+    G_debug(3, "nlines =  %d", nlines);
+    /* Go through all lines in vector, and add each point to structure of points,
+     * if such point already exists check angles of segments and if differ mark for break */
+    apoints = 0;
+    nmarks = 0;
+    npoints = 1;		/* index starts from 1 ! */
+    nallpoints = 0;
+    XPnt.used = 0;
+    G_verbose_message(_("Break polygons Pass 1: select break points"));
+    for (i = 1; i <= nlines; i++) {
+	G_percent(i, nlines, 1);
+	G_debug(3, "i =  %d", i);
+	if (!Vect_line_alive(Map, i))
+	    continue;
+	ltype = Vect_read_line(Map, Points, Cats, i);
+	if (!(ltype & type))
+	    continue;
+	/* This would be confused by duplicate coordinates (angle cannot be calculated) ->
+	 * prune line first */
+	Vect_line_prune(Points);
+	/* If first and last point are identical it is close polygon, we dont need to register last point
+	 * and we can calculate angle for first.
+	 * If first and last point are not identical we have to mark for break both */
+	last_point = Points->n_points - 1;
+	if (Points->x[0] == Points->x[last_point] &&
+	    Points->y[0] == Points->y[last_point])
+	    closed = 1;
+	else
+	    closed = 0;
+	for (j = 0; j < Points->n_points; j++) {
+	    G_debug(3, "j =  %d", j);
+	    nallpoints++;
+	    if (j == last_point && closed)
+		continue;	/* do not register last of close polygon */
+	    /* Box */
+	    rect.boundary[0] = Points->x[j];
+	    rect.boundary[3] = Points->x[j];
+	    rect.boundary[1] = Points->y[j];
+	    rect.boundary[4] = Points->y[j];
+	    rect.boundary[2] = 0;
+	    rect.boundary[5] = 0;
+	    /* Already in DB? */
+	    fpoint = -1;
+	    RTreeSearch(RTree, &rect, (void *)srch, NULL);
+	    G_debug(3, "fpoint =  %d", fpoint);
+	    if (Points->n_points <= 2 ||
+		(!closed && (j == 0 || j == last_point))) {
+		cross = 1;	/* mark for cross in any case */
+	    }
+	    else {		/* calculate angles */
+		cross = 0;
+		if (j == 0 && closed) {	/* closed polygon */
+		    dx = Points->x[last_point] - Points->x[0];
+		    dy = Points->y[last_point] - Points->y[0];
+		    a1 = atan2(dy, dx);
+		    dx = Points->x[1] - Points->x[0];
+		    dy = Points->y[1] - Points->y[0];
+		    a2 = atan2(dy, dx);
+		}
+		else {
+		    dx = Points->x[j - 1] - Points->x[j];
+		    dy = Points->y[j - 1] - Points->y[j];
+		    a1 = atan2(dy, dx);
+		    dx = Points->x[j + 1] - Points->x[j];
+		    dy = Points->y[j + 1] - Points->y[j];
+		    a2 = atan2(dy, dx);
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (fpoint > 0) {	/* Found */
+		/* read point */
+		lseek(xpntfd, (off_t) (fpoint - 1) * sizeof(XPNT2), SEEK_SET);
+		read(xpntfd, &XPnt, sizeof(XPNT2));
+		if (XPnt.cross == 1)
+		    continue;	/* already marked */
+		/* Check angles */
+		if (cross) {
+		    XPnt.cross = 1;
+		    nmarks++;
+		    /* write point */
+		    lseek(xpntfd, (off_t) (fpoint - 1) * sizeof(XPNT2), SEEK_SET);
+		    write(xpntfd, &XPnt, sizeof(XPNT2));
+		}
+		else {
+		    G_debug(3, "a1 = %f xa1 = %f a2 = %f xa2 = %f", a1,
+			    XPnt.a1, a2, XPnt.a2);
+		    if ((a1 == XPnt.a1 && a2 == XPnt.a2) ||
+		        (a1 == XPnt.a2 && a2 == XPnt.a1)) {	/* identical */
+		    }
+		    else {
+			XPnt.cross = 1;
+			nmarks++;
+			/* write point */
+			lseek(xpntfd, (off_t) (fpoint - 1) * sizeof(XPNT2), SEEK_SET);
+			write(xpntfd, &XPnt, sizeof(XPNT2));
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    else {
+		/* Add to tree and to structure */
+		RTreeInsertRect(&rect, npoints, RTree);
+		if (j == 0 || j == (Points->n_points - 1) ||
+		    Points->n_points < 3) {
+		    XPnt.a1 = 0;
+		    XPnt.a2 = 0;
+		    XPnt.cross = 1;
+		    nmarks++;
+		}
+		else {
+		    XPnt.a1 = a1;
+		    XPnt.a2 = a2;
+		    XPnt.cross = 0;
+		}
+		/* write point */
+		lseek(xpntfd, (off_t) (npoints - 1) * sizeof(XPNT2), SEEK_SET);
+		write(xpntfd, &XPnt, sizeof(XPNT2));
+		npoints++;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    nbreaks = 0;
+    /* Second loop through lines (existing when loop is started, no need to process lines written again)
+     * and break at points marked for break */
+    G_verbose_message(_("Break polygons Pass 2: break at selected points"));
+    for (i = 1; i <= nlines; i++) {
+	int n_orig_points;
+	G_percent(i, nlines, 1);
+	G_debug(3, "i =  %d", i);
+	if (!Vect_line_alive(Map, i))
+	    continue;
+	ltype = Vect_read_line(Map, Points, Cats, i);
+	if (!(ltype & type))
+	    continue;
+	if (!(ltype & GV_LINES))
+	    continue;		/* Nonsense to break points */
+	/* Duplicates would result in zero length lines -> prune line first */
+	n_orig_points = Points->n_points;
+	Vect_line_prune(Points);
+	broken = 0;
+	last = 0;
+	G_debug(3, "n_points =  %d", Points->n_points);
+	for (j = 1; j < Points->n_points; j++) {
+	    G_debug(3, "j =  %d", j);
+	    nallpoints++;
+	    /* Box */
+	    rect.boundary[0] = Points->x[j];
+	    rect.boundary[3] = Points->x[j];
+	    rect.boundary[1] = Points->y[j];
+	    rect.boundary[4] = Points->y[j];
+	    rect.boundary[2] = 0;
+	    rect.boundary[5] = 0;
+	    if (Points->n_points <= 1 ||
+		(j == (Points->n_points - 1) && !broken))
+		break;
+	    /* One point only or 
+	     * last point and line is not broken, do nothing */
+	    RTreeSearch(RTree, &rect, (void *)srch, 0);
+	    G_debug(3, "fpoint =  %d", fpoint);
+	    /* read point */
+	    lseek(xpntfd, (off_t) (fpoint - 1) * sizeof(XPNT2), SEEK_SET);
+	    read(xpntfd, &XPnt, sizeof(XPNT2));
+	    /* break or write last segment of broken line */
+	    if ((j == (Points->n_points - 1) && broken) ||
+		XPnt.cross) {
+		Vect_reset_line(BPoints);
+		for (k = last; k <= j; k++) {
+		    Vect_append_point(BPoints, Points->x[k], Points->y[k],
+				      Points->z[k]);
+		}
+		/* Result may collapse to one point */
+		Vect_line_prune(BPoints);
+		if (BPoints->n_points > 1) {
+		    ret = Vect_write_line(Map, ltype, BPoints, Cats);
+		    G_debug(3,
+			    "Line %d written j = %d n_points(orig,pruned) = %d n_points(new) = %d",
+			    ret, j, Points->n_points, BPoints->n_points);
+		}
+		if (!broken)
+		    Vect_delete_line(Map, i);	/* not yet deleted */
+		/* Write points on breaks */
+		if (Err) {
+		    if (XPnt.cross && !XPnt.used) {
+			Vect_reset_line(BPoints);
+			Vect_append_point(BPoints, Points->x[j], Points->y[j], 0);
+			Vect_write_line(Err, GV_POINT, BPoints, ErrCats);
+		    }
+		    if (!XPnt.used) {
+			XPnt.used = 1;
+			/* write point */
+			lseek(xpntfd, (off_t) (fpoint - 1) * sizeof(XPNT2), SEEK_SET);
+			write(xpntfd, &XPnt, sizeof(XPNT2));
+		    }
+		}
+		last = j;
+		broken = 1;
+		nbreaks++;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (!broken && n_orig_points > Points->n_points) {	/* was pruned before -> rewrite */
+	    if (Points->n_points > 1) {
+		Vect_rewrite_line(Map, i, ltype, Points, Cats);
+		G_debug(3, "Line %d pruned, npoints = %d", i,
+			Points->n_points);
+	    }
+	    else {
+		Vect_delete_line(Map, i);
+		G_debug(3, "Line %d was deleted", i);
+	    }
+	}
+	else {
+	    G_debug(3, "Line %d was not changed", i);
+	}
+    }
+    close(RTree->fd);
+    RTreeFreeIndex(RTree);
+    close(xpntfd);
+    Vect_destroy_line_struct(Points);
+    Vect_destroy_line_struct(BPoints);
+    Vect_destroy_cats_struct(Cats);
+    Vect_destroy_cats_struct(ErrCats);
+    G_verbose_message(_("Breaks: %d"), nbreaks);
+/* break polygons using a memory-based search index */
-Vect_break_polygons(struct Map_info *Map, int type, struct Map_info *Err)
+Vect_break_polygons_mem(struct Map_info *Map, int type, struct Map_info *Err)
     struct line_pnts *BPoints, *Points;
     struct line_cats *Cats, *ErrCats;
@@ -116,6 +410,8 @@
     double dx, dy, a1 = 0, a2 = 0;
     int closed, last_point, cross;
+    G_debug(0, "Memory-based version of Vect_break_polygons()");
     RBTree = rbtree_create(compare_xpnts, sizeof(XPNT));
     BPoints = Vect_new_line_struct();
@@ -133,6 +429,7 @@
     nmarks = 0;
     npoints = 0;
     nallpoints = 0;
+    XPnt_search.used = 0;
     G_verbose_message(_("Break polygons Pass 1: select break points"));
@@ -242,7 +539,7 @@
     nbreaks = 0;
     nallpoints = 0;
-    G_debug(2, "Break polygons: unique vertices: %d", RBTree->count);
+    G_debug(2, "Break polygons: unique vertices: %ld", (long int)RBTree->count);
     /* uncomment to check if search tree is healthy */
     /* if (rbtree_debug(RBTree, RBTree->root) == 0)
@@ -316,11 +613,12 @@
 		/* Write points on breaks */
 		if (Err) {
-		    if (j < (Points->n_points - 1)) {
+		    if (XPnt_found->cross && !XPnt_found->used) {
 			Vect_append_point(BPoints, Points->x[j], Points->y[j], 0);
 			Vect_write_line(Err, GV_POINT, BPoints, ErrCats);
+		    XPnt_found->used = 1;
 		last = j;
@@ -348,6 +646,34 @@
-    Vect_destroy_cats_struct(ErrCats);
     G_verbose_message(_("Breaks: %d"), nbreaks);
+   \brief Break polygons in vector map.
+   Breaks lines specified by type in vector map. Points at
+   intersections may be optionally written to error map. Input map
+   must be opened on level 2 for update at least on GV_BUILD_BASE.
+   Function is optimized for closed polygons rigs (e.g. imported from
+   OGR) but with clean geometry - adjacent polygons mostly have
+   identical boundary. Function creates database of ALL points in the
+   map, and then is looking for those where polygons should be broken.
+   Lines may be broken only at points existing in input map!
+   \param Map input map where polygons will be broken
+   \param type type of line to be broken
+   \param Err vector map where points at intersections will be written or NULL
+   \return
+ */
+Vect_break_polygons(struct Map_info *Map, int type, struct Map_info *Err)
+    if (getenv("GRASS_VECTOR_LOWMEM"))
+	return Vect_break_polygons_file(Map, type, Err);
+    else
+	return Vect_break_polygons_mem(Map, type, Err);

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