[GRASS-SVN] r61481 - in grass/trunk: gui/wxpython/xml scripts scripts/i.colors.enhance scripts/i.pansharpen
svn_grass at osgeo.org
svn_grass at osgeo.org
Thu Jul 31 10:04:06 PDT 2014
Author: neteler
Date: 2014-07-31 10:04:05 -0700 (Thu, 31 Jul 2014)
New Revision: 61481
i.landsat.rgb renamed to i.colors.enhance (trac #2340)
Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/xml/toolboxes.xml
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/xml/toolboxes.xml 2014-07-31 16:53:22 UTC (rev 61480)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/xml/toolboxes.xml 2014-07-31 17:04:05 UTC (rev 61481)
@@ -1491,7 +1491,7 @@
<toolbox name="ManageImageColors">
<label>Manage image colors</label>
- <module-item name="i.landsat.rgb">
+ <module-item name="i.colors.enhance">
<label>Color balance for RGB</label>
<module-item name="i.his.rgb">
Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/Makefile
--- grass/trunk/scripts/Makefile 2014-07-31 16:53:22 UTC (rev 61480)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/Makefile 2014-07-31 17:04:05 UTC (rev 61481)
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
g.extension \
g.extension.all \
g.manual \
+ i.colors.enhance \
i.image.mosaic \
i.in.spotvgt \
- i.landsat.rgb \
i.oif \
i.pansharpen \
i.spectral \
Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/i.colors.enhance/Makefile
--- grass/trunk/scripts/i.landsat.rgb/Makefile 2014-07-31 15:19:16 UTC (rev 61478)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/i.colors.enhance/Makefile 2014-07-31 17:04:05 UTC (rev 61481)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-PGM = i.landsat.rgb
+PGM = i.colors.enhance
include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make
Copied: grass/trunk/scripts/i.colors.enhance/i.colors.enhance.html (from rev 61478, grass/trunk/scripts/i.landsat.rgb/i.landsat.rgb.html)
--- grass/trunk/scripts/i.colors.enhance/i.colors.enhance.html (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/i.colors.enhance/i.colors.enhance.html 2014-07-31 17:04:05 UTC (rev 61481)
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+<em>i.colors.enhance</em> auto-balances and enhances the color channels of a
+RGB image (e.g. from Landsat) to provide a more natural color mixture. Only
+the color table of each image band is modified, the base data remains untouched.
+The module works by calculating a histogram for each color channel and
+removing an adjustable amount of outliers from either end before recalibrating
+the color scale with <em>r.colors</em>.
+<!-- limitation still true ? -->
+It will work with any 8-bit RGB imagery set and the script is easily modified
+to work with other datasets of greater band-depth.
+Depending on the image, it may or may not be advantageous to use the <b>-p</b>
+flag to preserve the relative color scaling. You will have to experiment
+with the different options to find a setting that works best for your
+particular imagery.
+The <b>strength</b> option should generally be set in the 90-99 range. The
+lower the number, the more saturated the image becomes. It represents the
+percentage cut-off for the top end of the color histogram curve. The lower
+end is fixed at 2% of the area under the curve.
+For quicker execution of this module on large images you can achieve largely
+similar results by switching to a coarser resolution before the running of
+the module (using <em>g.region</em>) and then back to the original resolution
+North Carolina sample dataset example with Landsat data:
+<div class="code"><pre>
+g.region rast=lsat7_2002_10 -p
+d.rgb blue=lsat7_2002_10 green=lsat7_2002_20 red=lsat7_2002_30
+d.barscale at=55.3125,93.125 bcolor=white text_pos=over
+i.colors.enhance blue=lsat7_2002_10 green=lsat7_2002_20 red=lsat7_2002_30 strength=95
+d.rgb blue=lsat7_2002_10 green=lsat7_2002_20 red=lsat7_2002_30
+d.barscale at=55.3125,93.125 bcolor=white text_pos=over
+<img src="i_col_enh_uncorr.jpg" alt="Uncorrected RGB composite of Landsat ETM channels B/G/R"><br>
+Uncorrected RGB composite of Landsat ETM channels B/G/R
+<img src="i_col_enh_corr.jpg" alt="Color corrected RGB composite of Landsat ETM channels B/G/R"><br>
+Color corrected RGB composite of Landsat ETM channels B/G/R
+The <b>strength</b> option requires further refinement.
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+<a href="d.rgb.html">d.rgb</a>,
+<a href="g.region.html">g.region</a>,
+<a href="i.oif.html">i.oif</a>,
+<a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</a>,
+<a href="r.composite.html">r.composite</a>,
+<a href="r.univar.html">r.univar</a>
+Markus Neteler, Trento, Italy<br>
+M. Hamish Bowman, Dept. Marine Science, Otago University, New Zealand
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
Copied: grass/trunk/scripts/i.colors.enhance/i.colors.enhance.py (from rev 61478, grass/trunk/scripts/i.landsat.rgb/i.landsat.rgb.py)
--- grass/trunk/scripts/i.colors.enhance/i.colors.enhance.py (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/i.colors.enhance/i.colors.enhance.py 2014-07-31 17:04:05 UTC (rev 61481)
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# MODULE: i.colors.enhance (former i.landsat.rgb)
+# AUTHOR(S): Markus Neteler, original author
+# Hamish Bowman, scripting enhancements
+# Converted to Python by Glynn Clements
+# PURPOSE: create pretty RGBs: the trick is to remove outliers
+# using percentiles (area under the histogram curve)
+# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2006, 2008, 2012-2014 by the GRASS Development Team
+# This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+# License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+# for details.
+# TODO: implement better brightness control
+#% description: Performs auto-balancing of colors for RGB images.
+#% keywords: imagery
+#% keywords: RGB
+#% keywords: satellite
+#% keywords: colors
+#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
+#% key: red
+#% description: Name of red channel
+#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
+#% key: green
+#% description: Name of green channel
+#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
+#% key: blue
+#% description: Name of blue channel
+#% key: strength
+#% type: double
+#% description: Cropping intensity (upper brightness level)
+#% options: 0-100
+#% answer : 98
+#% required: no
+#% key: f
+#% description: Extend colors to full range of data on each channel
+#% guisection: Colors
+#% key: p
+#% description: Preserve relative colors, adjust brightness only
+#% guisection: Colors
+#% key: r
+#% description: Reset to standard color range
+#% guisection: Colors
+#% key: s
+#% description: Process bands serially (default: run in parallel)
+import sys
+import os
+import string
+import grass.script as grass
+ # new for python 2.6, in 2.5 it may be easy_install'd.
+ import multiprocessing as mp
+ do_mp = True
+ do_mp = False
+def get_percentile(map, percentiles):
+ # todo: generalize for any list length
+ val1 = percentiles[0]
+ val2 = percentiles[1]
+ values = '%s,%s' % (val1, val2)
+ s = grass.read_command('r.univar', flags = 'ge',
+ map = map, percentile = values)
+ kv = grass.parse_key_val(s)
+ # cleanse to match what the key name will become
+ val_str1 = ('percentile_%.15g' % float(val1)).replace('.','_')
+ val_str2 = ('percentile_%.15g' % float(val2)).replace('.','_')
+ return (float(kv[val_str1]), float(kv[val_str2]))
+# wrapper to handle multiprocesses communications back to the parent
+def get_percentile_mp(map, percentiles, conn):
+ # Process() doesn't like storing connection parts in
+ # separate dictionaries, only wants to pass through tuples,
+ # so instead of just sending the sending the pipe we have to
+ # send both parts then keep the one we want. ??
+ output_pipe, input_pipe = conn
+ input_pipe.close()
+ result = get_percentile(map, percentiles)
+ grass.debug('child (%s) (%.1f, %.1f)' % (map, result[0], result[1]))
+ output_pipe.send(result)
+ output_pipe.close()
+def set_colors(map, v0, v1):
+ rules = [
+ "0% black\n",
+ "%f black\n" % v0,
+ "%f white\n" % v1,
+ "100% white\n"
+ ]
+ rules = ''.join(rules)
+ grass.write_command('r.colors', map = map, rules = '-', stdin = rules, quiet = True)
+def main():
+ red = options['red']
+ green = options['green']
+ blue = options['blue']
+ brightness = options['strength']
+ full = flags['f']
+ preserve = flags['p']
+ reset = flags['r']
+ global do_mp
+ if flags['s']:
+ do_mp = False
+ # 90 or 98? MAX value controls brightness
+ # think of percent (0-100), must be positive or 0
+ # must be more than "2" ?
+ if full:
+ for i in [red, green, blue]:
+ grass.run_command('r.colors', map = i, color = 'grey', quiet = True)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if reset:
+ for i in [red, green, blue]:
+ grass.run_command('r.colors', map = i, color = 'grey255', quiet = True)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if not preserve:
+ if do_mp:
+ grass.message(_("Processing..."))
+ # set up jobs and launch them
+ proc = {}
+ conn = {}
+ for i in [red, green, blue]:
+ conn[i] = mp.Pipe()
+ proc[i] = mp.Process(target = get_percentile_mp,
+ args = (i, ['2', brightness],
+ conn[i],))
+ proc[i].start()
+ grass.percent(1, 2, 1)
+ # collect results and wait for jobs to finish
+ for i in [red, green, blue]:
+ output_pipe, input_pipe = conn[i]
+ (v0, v1) = input_pipe.recv()
+ grass.debug('parent (%s) (%.1f, %.1f)' % (i, v0, v1))
+ input_pipe.close()
+ proc[i].join()
+ set_colors(i, v0, v1)
+ grass.percent(1, 1, 1)
+ else:
+ for i in [red, green, blue]:
+ grass.message(_("Processing..."))
+ (v0, v1) = get_percentile(i, ['2', brightness])
+ grass.debug("<%s>: min=%f max=%f" % (i, v0, v1))
+ set_colors(i, v0, v1)
+ else:
+ all_max = 0
+ all_min = 999999
+ if do_mp:
+ grass.message(_("Processing..."))
+ # set up jobs and launch jobs
+ proc = {}
+ conn = {}
+ for i in [red, green, blue]:
+ conn[i] = mp.Pipe()
+ proc[i] = mp.Process(target = get_percentile_mp,
+ args = (i, ['2', brightness],
+ conn[i],))
+ proc[i].start()
+ grass.percent(1, 2, 1)
+ # collect results and wait for jobs to finish
+ for i in [red, green, blue]:
+ output_pipe, input_pipe = conn[i]
+ (v0, v1) = input_pipe.recv()
+ grass.debug('parent (%s) (%.1f, %.1f)' % (i, v0, v1))
+ input_pipe.close()
+ proc[i].join()
+ all_min = min(all_min, v0)
+ all_max = max(all_max, v1)
+ grass.percent(1, 1, 1)
+ else:
+ for i in [red, green, blue]:
+ grass.message(_("Processing..."))
+ (v0, v1) = get_percentile(i, ['2', brightness])
+ grass.debug("<%s>: min=%f max=%f" % (i, v0, v1))
+ all_min = min(all_min, v0)
+ all_max = max(all_max, v1)
+ grass.debug("all_min=%f all_max=%f" % (all_min, all_max))
+ for i in [red, green, blue]:
+ set_colors(i, all_min, all_max)
+ # write cmd history:
+ mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']
+ for i in [red, green, blue]:
+ if grass.find_file(i)['mapset'] == mapset:
+ grass.raster_history(i)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ options, flags = grass.parser()
+ main()
Deleted: grass/trunk/scripts/i.colors.enhance/i.landsat.rgb.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/i.landsat.rgb/i.landsat.rgb.html 2014-07-31 15:19:16 UTC (rev 61478)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/i.colors.enhance/i.landsat.rgb.html 2014-07-31 17:04:05 UTC (rev 61481)
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-<em>i.landsat.rgb</em> auto-balances and enhances the color channels of a
-LANDSAT RGB image to provide a more natural color mixture. Only the color
-table of each image band is modified, the base data remains untouched.
-The module works by calculating a histogram for each color channel and
-removing an adjustable amount of outliers from either end before recalibrating
-the color scale with <em>r.colors</em>.
-It will work with any 8-bit RGB imagery set and the script is easily modified
-to work with other datasets of greater band-depth.
-Depending on the image, it may or may not be advantageous to use the <b>-p</b>
-flag to preserve the relative color scaling. You will have to experiment
-with the different options to find a setting that works best for your
-particular imagery.
-The <b>strength</b> option should generally be set in the 90-99 range. The
-lower the number, the more saturated the image becomes. It represents the
-percentage cut-off for the top end of the color histogram curve. The lower
-end is fixed at 2% of the area under the curve.
-For quicker execution of this module on large images you can achieve largely
-similar results by switching to a coarser resolution before the running of
-the module (using <em>g.region</em>) and then back to the original resolution
-North Carolina sample dataset example:
-<div class="code"><pre>
-g.region rast=lsat7_2002_10 -p
-d.rgb blue=lsat7_2002_10 green=lsat7_2002_20 red=lsat7_2002_30
-d.barscale at=55.3125,93.125 bcolor=white text_pos=over
-i.landsat.rgb blue=lsat7_2002_10 green=lsat7_2002_20 red=lsat7_2002_30 strength=95
-d.rgb blue=lsat7_2002_10 green=lsat7_2002_20 red=lsat7_2002_30
-d.barscale at=55.3125,93.125 bcolor=white text_pos=over
-<img src="i_landsat_rgb_uncorrected.jpg" alt="Uncorrected RGB composite of Landsat ETM channels B/G/R"><br>
-Uncorrected RGB composite of Landsat ETM channels B/G/R
-<img src="i_landsat_rgb_corrected.jpg" alt="Color corrected RGB composite of Landsat ETM channels B/G/R"><br>
-Color corrected RGB composite of Landsat ETM channels B/G/R
-The <b>strength</b> option requires further refinement.
-<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="d.rgb.html">d.rgb</a>,
-<a href="g.region.html">g.region</a>,
-<a href="i.oif.html">i.oif</a>,
-<a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</a>,
-<a href="r.composite.html">r.composite</a>,
-<a href="r.univar.html">r.univar</a>
-Markus Neteler, Trento, Italy<br>
-M. Hamish Bowman, Dept. Marine Science, Otago University, New Zealand
-<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
Deleted: grass/trunk/scripts/i.colors.enhance/i.landsat.rgb.py
--- grass/trunk/scripts/i.landsat.rgb/i.landsat.rgb.py 2014-07-31 15:19:16 UTC (rev 61478)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/i.colors.enhance/i.landsat.rgb.py 2014-07-31 17:04:05 UTC (rev 61481)
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# MODULE: i.landsat.rgb
-# AUTHOR(S): Markus Neteler. <neteler itc it>
-# Hamish Bowman, scripting enhancements
-# Converted to Python by Glynn Clements
-# PURPOSE: create pretty LANDSAT RGBs: the trick is to remove outliers
-# using percentiles (area under the histogram curve)
-# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2006, 2008, 2012 by the GRASS Development Team
-# This program is free software under the GNU General Public
-# License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
-# for details.
-# TODO: implement better brightness control
-#% description: Performs auto-balancing of colors for LANDSAT images.
-#% keywords: imagery
-#% keywords: landsat
-#% keywords: colors
-#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
-#% key: red
-#% description: Name of LANDSAT red channel
-#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
-#% key: green
-#% description: Name of LANDSAT green channel
-#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
-#% key: blue
-#% description: Name of LANDSAT blue channel
-#% key: strength
-#% type: double
-#% description: Cropping intensity (upper brightness level)
-#% options: 0-100
-#% answer : 98
-#% required: no
-#% key: f
-#% description: Extend colors to full range of data on each channel
-#% guisection: Colors
-#% key: p
-#% description: Preserve relative colors, adjust brightness only
-#% guisection: Colors
-#% key: r
-#% description: Reset to standard color range
-#% guisection: Colors
-#% key: s
-#% description: Process bands serially (default: run in parallel)
-import sys
-import os
-import string
-import grass.script as grass
- # new for python 2.6, in 2.5 it may be easy_install'd.
- import multiprocessing as mp
- do_mp = True
- do_mp = False
-def get_percentile(map, percentiles):
- # todo: generalize for any list length
- val1 = percentiles[0]
- val2 = percentiles[1]
- values = '%s,%s' % (val1, val2)
- s = grass.read_command('r.univar', flags = 'ge',
- map = map, percentile = values)
- kv = grass.parse_key_val(s)
- # cleanse to match what the key name will become
- val_str1 = ('percentile_%.15g' % float(val1)).replace('.','_')
- val_str2 = ('percentile_%.15g' % float(val2)).replace('.','_')
- return (float(kv[val_str1]), float(kv[val_str2]))
-# wrapper to handle multiprocesses communications back to the parent
-def get_percentile_mp(map, percentiles, conn):
- # Process() doesn't like storing connection parts in
- # separate dictionaries, only wants to pass through tuples,
- # so instead of just sending the sending the pipe we have to
- # send both parts then keep the one we want. ??
- output_pipe, input_pipe = conn
- input_pipe.close()
- result = get_percentile(map, percentiles)
- grass.debug('child (%s) (%.1f, %.1f)' % (map, result[0], result[1]))
- output_pipe.send(result)
- output_pipe.close()
-def set_colors(map, v0, v1):
- rules = [
- "0% black\n",
- "%f black\n" % v0,
- "%f white\n" % v1,
- "100% white\n"
- ]
- rules = ''.join(rules)
- grass.write_command('r.colors', map = map, rules = '-', stdin = rules, quiet = True)
-def main():
- red = options['red']
- green = options['green']
- blue = options['blue']
- brightness = options['strength']
- full = flags['f']
- preserve = flags['p']
- reset = flags['r']
- global do_mp
- if flags['s']:
- do_mp = False
- # 90 or 98? MAX value controls brightness
- # think of percent (0-100), must be positive or 0
- # must be more than "2" ?
- if full:
- for i in [red, green, blue]:
- grass.run_command('r.colors', map = i, color = 'grey', quiet = True)
- sys.exit(0)
- if reset:
- for i in [red, green, blue]:
- grass.run_command('r.colors', map = i, color = 'grey255', quiet = True)
- sys.exit(0)
- if not preserve:
- if do_mp:
- grass.message(_("Processing..."))
- # set up jobs and launch them
- proc = {}
- conn = {}
- for i in [red, green, blue]:
- conn[i] = mp.Pipe()
- proc[i] = mp.Process(target = get_percentile_mp,
- args = (i, ['2', brightness],
- conn[i],))
- proc[i].start()
- grass.percent(1, 2, 1)
- # collect results and wait for jobs to finish
- for i in [red, green, blue]:
- output_pipe, input_pipe = conn[i]
- (v0, v1) = input_pipe.recv()
- grass.debug('parent (%s) (%.1f, %.1f)' % (i, v0, v1))
- input_pipe.close()
- proc[i].join()
- set_colors(i, v0, v1)
- grass.percent(1, 1, 1)
- else:
- for i in [red, green, blue]:
- grass.message(_("Processing..."))
- (v0, v1) = get_percentile(i, ['2', brightness])
- grass.debug("<%s>: min=%f max=%f" % (i, v0, v1))
- set_colors(i, v0, v1)
- else:
- all_max = 0
- all_min = 999999
- if do_mp:
- grass.message(_("Processing..."))
- # set up jobs and launch jobs
- proc = {}
- conn = {}
- for i in [red, green, blue]:
- conn[i] = mp.Pipe()
- proc[i] = mp.Process(target = get_percentile_mp,
- args = (i, ['2', brightness],
- conn[i],))
- proc[i].start()
- grass.percent(1, 2, 1)
- # collect results and wait for jobs to finish
- for i in [red, green, blue]:
- output_pipe, input_pipe = conn[i]
- (v0, v1) = input_pipe.recv()
- grass.debug('parent (%s) (%.1f, %.1f)' % (i, v0, v1))
- input_pipe.close()
- proc[i].join()
- all_min = min(all_min, v0)
- all_max = max(all_max, v1)
- grass.percent(1, 1, 1)
- else:
- for i in [red, green, blue]:
- grass.message(_("Processing..."))
- (v0, v1) = get_percentile(i, ['2', brightness])
- grass.debug("<%s>: min=%f max=%f" % (i, v0, v1))
- all_min = min(all_min, v0)
- all_max = max(all_max, v1)
- grass.debug("all_min=%f all_max=%f" % (all_min, all_max))
- for i in [red, green, blue]:
- set_colors(i, all_min, all_max)
- # write cmd history:
- mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']
- for i in [red, green, blue]:
- if grass.find_file(i)['mapset'] == mapset:
- grass.raster_history(i)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- options, flags = grass.parser()
- main()
Copied: grass/trunk/scripts/i.colors.enhance/i_col_enh_corr.jpg (from rev 61478, grass/trunk/scripts/i.landsat.rgb/i_landsat_rgb_corrected.jpg)
(Binary files differ)
Copied: grass/trunk/scripts/i.colors.enhance/i_col_enh_uncorr.jpg (from rev 61478, grass/trunk/scripts/i.landsat.rgb/i_landsat_rgb_uncorrected.jpg)
(Binary files differ)
Deleted: grass/trunk/scripts/i.colors.enhance/i_landsat_rgb_corrected.jpg
(Binary files differ)
Deleted: grass/trunk/scripts/i.colors.enhance/i_landsat_rgb_uncorrected.jpg
(Binary files differ)
Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/i.pansharpen/i.pansharpen.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/i.pansharpen/i.pansharpen.html 2014-07-31 16:53:22 UTC (rev 61480)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/i.pansharpen/i.pansharpen.html 2014-07-31 17:04:05 UTC (rev 61481)
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
but does use an optimized r.mapcalc expression to reduce disk I/O.
The three pan-sharpened output channels may be combined with <em>d.rgb</em> or
-<em>r.composite</em>. Colors may be optionally optimized with <em>i.landsat.rgb</em>.
+<em>r.composite</em>. Colors may be optionally optimized with <em>i.colors.enhance</em>.
While the resulting color image will be at the higher resolution in all cases,
the 3 pan sharpening algorithms differ in terms of spectral response.
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
# optionally color balancing:
-i.landsat.rgb r=lsat7_2002_ihs_red g=lsat7_2002_ihs_green b=lsat7_2002_ihs_blue
+i.colors.enhance r=lsat7_2002_ihs_red g=lsat7_2002_ihs_green b=lsat7_2002_ihs_blue
<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/i.pansharpen/i.pansharpen.py
--- grass/trunk/scripts/i.pansharpen/i.pansharpen.py 2014-07-31 16:53:22 UTC (rev 61480)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/i.pansharpen/i.pansharpen.py 2014-07-31 17:04:05 UTC (rev 61481)
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@
grass.message(_("d.rgb r=%s_red g=%s_green b=%s_blue" % (out, out, out)))
grass.message('\n ')
grass.message(_("If desired, combine channels into a single RGB map with 'r.composite'."))
- grass.message(_("Channel colors can be rebalanced using i.landsat.rgb."))
+ grass.message(_("Channel colors can be rebalanced using i.colors.enhance."))
# write cmd history:
for ch in ['red', 'green', 'blue']:
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