[GRASS-SVN] r63305 - in grass/trunk: display/d.his gui/wxpython/docs gui/wxpython/xml raster raster/r.his raster/r.lake raster/r.relief scripts scripts/d.shade scripts/r.shade

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sun Nov 30 16:21:49 PST 2014

Author: wenzeslaus
Date: 2014-11-30 16:21:48 -0800 (Sun, 30 Nov 2014)
New Revision: 63305

r.relief, r.shade, d.shade: rename from r.shaded.relief, r.shadedmap and d.shadedmap (also improve keywords, see also and examples, add r.shade to toolboxes)

Modified: grass/trunk/display/d.his/d.his.html
--- grass/trunk/display/d.his/d.his.html	2014-11-30 22:25:52 UTC (rev 63304)
+++ grass/trunk/display/d.his/d.his.html	2014-12-01 00:21:48 UTC (rev 63305)
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.region rast=elevation
-r.shaded.relief input=elevation output=elevation_shaded_relief
+r.relief input=elevation output=elevation_shaded_relief
 d.mon wx0
 d.his hue=elevation intensity=elevation_shaded_relief brighten=50
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
 <a href="d.colortable.html">d.colortable</a>,
 <a href="d.frame.html">d.frame</a>,
 <a href="d.rgb.html">d.rgb</a>,
-<a href="d.shadedmap.html">d.shadedmap</a>,
+<a href="d.shade.html">d.shade</a>,
 <a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</a>,
 <a href="r.his.html">r.his</a>,
 <a href="i.his.rgb.html">i.his.rgb</a>,

Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.html
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.html	2014-11-30 22:25:52 UTC (rev 63304)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/docs/wxGUI.html	2014-12-01 00:21:48 UTC (rev 63305)
@@ -168,8 +168,9 @@
       <dt><img src="icons/layer-shaded-relief-add.png" alt="icon"> 
 	<em>Add shaded relief raster map layer </em></dt>
       <dd>Adds shaded relief raster map layer,
-	see <em><a href="d.shadedmap.html">d.shadedmap</a></em>.</dd>
+      see <em><a href="r.relief.html">r.relief</a></em> and
+      <em><a href="d.shade.html">d.shade</a></em>.</dd>
       <dt><img src="icons/layer-aspect-arrow-add.png" alt="icon"> 
 	<em>Add raster arrows layer</em></dt>
       <dd>Adds map of raster cells with directional arrows drawn. Arrow

Modified: grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/xml/toolboxes.xml
--- grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/xml/toolboxes.xml	2014-11-30 22:25:52 UTC (rev 63304)
+++ grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/xml/toolboxes.xml	2014-12-01 00:21:48 UTC (rev 63305)
@@ -785,9 +785,12 @@
         <label>Least cost route or flow</label>
-      <module-item name="r.shaded.relief">
-        <label>Shaded relief</label>
+      <module-item name="r.relief">
+        <label>Compute shaded relief</label>
+      <module-item name="r.shade">
+        <label>Apply shade to raster</label>
+      </module-item>
       <module-item name="r.slope.aspect">
         <label>Slope and aspect</label>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/Makefile
--- grass/trunk/raster/Makefile	2014-11-30 22:25:52 UTC (rev 63304)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/Makefile	2014-12-01 00:21:48 UTC (rev 63305)
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
 	r.series \
 	r.series.accumulate \
 	r.series.interp \
-	r.shaded.relief \
+	r.relief \
 	r.sim \
 	r.slope.aspect \
 	r.solute.transport \

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.his/r.his.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.his/r.his.html	2014-11-30 22:25:52 UTC (rev 63304)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.his/r.his.html	2014-12-01 00:21:48 UTC (rev 63305)
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
 <div class="code"><pre>
 g.region rast=elevation
-r.shaded.relief input=elevation output=elevation_shaded_relief
+r.relief input=elevation output=elevation_shaded_relief
 d.mon wx0
 d.his hue=elevation intensity=elevation_shaded_relief brighten=50
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
 <a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</a>,
 <a href="r.composite.html">r.composite</a>,
 <a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</a>,
-<a href="r.shadedmap.html">r.shadedmap</a>,
+<a href="r.shade.html">r.shade</a>,
 <a href="i.his.rgb.html">i.his.rgb</a>,
 <a href="i.rgb.his.html">i.rgb.his</a>

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.lake/r.lake.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.lake/r.lake.html	2014-11-30 22:25:52 UTC (rev 63304)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.lake/r.lake.html	2014-12-01 00:21:48 UTC (rev 63305)
@@ -92,10 +92,10 @@
 r.lake elev_lid792_1m coordinates=638759.3,220264.1 water_level=113.4 lake=flooding
 # draw resulting lake map over shaded terrain map
-r.shaded.relief elev_lid792_1m
-d.rast elev_lid792_1m.shade
+r.relief input=elev_lid792_1m output=elev_lid792_1m_shade
+d.rast elev_lid792_1m_shade
 d.rast -o flooding
-d.vect streets_wake 
+d.vect streets_wake
 d.vect bldg_cmcl_pol type=area

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.relief/Makefile
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.shaded.relief/Makefile	2014-11-30 22:25:52 UTC (rev 63304)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.relief/Makefile	2014-12-01 00:21:48 UTC (rev 63305)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-PGM = r.shaded.relief
+PGM = r.relief

Modified: grass/trunk/raster/r.relief/main.c
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.shaded.relief/main.c	2014-11-30 22:25:52 UTC (rev 63304)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.relief/main.c	2014-12-01 00:21:48 UTC (rev 63305)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- * MODULE:       r.shaded.relief
+ * MODULE:       r.relief
  *               parameters standardized: Markus Neteler, 2008
  *               updates: Michael Barton, 2004
@@ -106,7 +106,9 @@
     module = G_define_module();
+    G_add_keyword(_("relief"));
+    G_add_keyword(_("hillshade"));
     module->label = _("Creates shaded relief map from an elevation map (DEM).");
     parm.elevation = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
@@ -459,7 +461,7 @@
     /* writing history file */
     Rast_short_history(sr_name, "raster", &hist);
-    Rast_append_format_history(&hist, "r.shaded.relief settings:");
+    Rast_append_format_history(&hist, "r.relief settings:");
                                "altitude=%f  azimuth=%f zmult=%f  scale=%f",
 			       altitude * radians_to_degrees,

Copied: grass/trunk/raster/r.relief/r.relief.html (from rev 63304, grass/trunk/raster/r.shaded.relief/r.shaded.relief.html)
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.relief/r.relief.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.relief/r.relief.html	2014-12-01 00:21:48 UTC (rev 63305)
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+<em>r.relief</em> creates a raster shaded relief map based on 
+current resolution settings and on sun altitude, azimuth, and 
+z-exaggeration values entered by the user. If no output shademap 
+name is given, the new shaded relief map is named <em><input_map
+>.shade</em>. The map is assigned a grey-scale color table.
+<p>The parameters controlling the shading are:
+<li>A raster map layer to provide elevation values for the shaded 
+relief map.  Typically, this would be a map layer of elevation; 
+however, any raster map layer can be named.
+<li>The <b>altitude</b> of the sun in degrees above the horizon
+(a value between 0 and 90 degrees).
+<li>The <b>azimuth</b> of the sun in degrees to the east of north
+(a value between 0 and 360 degrees; clockwise from north).
+<li>The scaling parameter, which compensates for a different 
+horizontal <b>scale</b> than vertical scale. If <b>scale</b> is a 
+number, then the ewres and nsres are multiplied by that scale to 
+calculate the shading. (Default=1.0 for equivalent horizontal and 
+vertical scales.)
+<li>The <b>zmult</b> exaggeration factor that changes the apparent relief
+for the shaded relief map.  This can be any positive (or negative) floating
+point value. (Default=1.0)
+<li>Horizontal distances are calculated in meters, using geodesic 
+distances for a latitude-longitude projection. With an elevation map 
+measured in feet, the <b>units</b> option can be set to automatically 
+convert meters to international feet (0.3048 meters = 1 foot) or survey 
+feet (1200 / 3937 meters = 1 foot). The <b>units</b> parameter overrides 
+the <b>scale</b> parameter.
+<p><em>r.relief</em> assigns a grey-scale color table to the new 
+shaded relief map.
+To visually improve the result of shade maps from low resolution elevation
+models, use <em>r.resamp.interp</em> with bilinear or bicubic method to
+resample the DEM at higher resolution. <em>r.relief</em> is then
+run on the resampled DEM.
+In this example, the aspect map in the North Carolina sample
+dataset location is used to hillshade the elevation map:
+<div class="code"><pre>
+g.region rast=elevation -p
+r.relief input=elevation output=elevation_shade
+<img src="r_relief.png" alt="GRASS r.relief result (subset)" border=0>
+<i>r.relief: shaded elevation map (subset)</i>
+Color can be added later using <em><a href="r.shade.html">r.shade</a></em>:
+<div class="code"><pre>
+r.shade reliefmap=elevation_shade drapemap=elevation output=elevation_shaded
+<p>In Latitude-Longitude locations (or other non-metric locations), the
+<em>scale</em> factor has to be used:
+<div class="code"><pre>
+# Latitude-Longitude example
+r.relief input=srtm output=srtm_shaded scale=111120
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+  RGB version not ported to GRASS 6 (why?):
+  <em><a href="shade.clr.sh.html">shade.clr.sh</a></em><br>
+  d.shade and r.shade probably cover most of the shade.clr functionality
+  however, it is not possible to create shade+color map in one step
+  delete this note when it is solved or if it is not considered as an issue
+<a href="d.shade.html">d.shade</a>,
+<a href="d.his.html">d.his</a>,
+<a href="g.region.html">g.region</a>,
+<a href="r.shade.html">r.shade</a>,
+<a href="r.blend.html">r.blend</a>,
+<a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</a>,
+<a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</a>,
+<a href="r.resamp.interp.html">r.resamp.interp</a>
+Jim Westervelt, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
+Markus Metz: Enhanced fast C version of r.relief for GRASS GIS 7
+<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Deleted: grass/trunk/raster/r.relief/r.shaded.relief.html
--- grass/trunk/raster/r.shaded.relief/r.shaded.relief.html	2014-11-30 22:25:52 UTC (rev 63304)
+++ grass/trunk/raster/r.relief/r.shaded.relief.html	2014-12-01 00:21:48 UTC (rev 63305)
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-<em>r.shaded.relief</em> creates a raster shaded relief map based on 
-current resolution settings and on sun altitude, azimuth, and 
-z-exaggeration values entered by the user. If no output shademap 
-name is given, the new shaded relief map is named <em><input_map
->.shade</em>. The map is assigned a grey-scale color table.
-<p>The parameters controlling the shading are:
-<li>A raster map layer to provide elevation values for the shaded 
-relief map.  Typically, this would be a map layer of elevation; 
-however, any raster map layer can be named.
-<li>The <b>altitude</b> of the sun in degrees above the horizon
-(a value between 0 and 90 degrees).
-<li>The <b>azimuth</b> of the sun in degrees to the east of north
-(a value between 0 and 360 degrees; clockwise from north).
-<li>The scaling parameter, which compensates for a different 
-horizontal <b>scale</b> than vertical scale. If <b>scale</b> is a 
-number, then the ewres and nsres are multiplied by that scale to 
-calculate the shading. (Default=1.0 for equivalent horizontal and 
-vertical scales.)
-<li>The <b>zmult</b> exaggeration factor that changes the apparent relief
-for the shaded relief map.  This can be any positive (or negative) floating
-point value. (Default=1.0)
-<li>Horizontal distances are calculated in meters, using geodesic 
-distances for a latitude-longitude projection. With an elevation map 
-measured in feet, the <b>units</b> option can be set to automatically 
-convert meters to international feet (0.3048 meters = 1 foot) or survey 
-feet (1200 / 3937 meters = 1 foot). The <b>units</b> parameter overrides 
-the <b>scale</b> parameter.
-<p><em>r.shaded.relief</em> assigns a grey-scale color table to the new 
-shaded relief map.
-To visually improve the result of shade maps from low resolution elevation
-models, use <em>r.resamp.interp</em> with bilinear or bicubic method to
-resample the DEM at higher resolution. <em>r.shaded.relief</em> is then
-run on the resampled DEM.
-In this example, the aspect map in the North Carolina sample
-dataset location is used to hillshade the elevation map:
-<div class="code"><pre>
-g.region rast=elevation -p
-r.shaded.relief input=elevation output=elevation.shaded
-<img src="r_shaded_relief.png" alt="GRASS r.shaded.relief result (subset)" border=0>
-<i>r.shaded.relief: shaded elevation map (subset)</i>
-<p>In Latitude-Longitude locations (or other non-metric locations), the
-<em>scale</em> factor has to be used:
-<div class="code"><pre>
-# Latitude-Longitude example
-r.shaded.relief input=srtm output=srtm.shaded scale=111120
-<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<p><!-- RGB version not ported to GRASS 6 (why?):
-  <em><a href="shade.clr.sh.html">shade.clr.sh</a></em><br>
- -->
-<a href="d.his.html">d.his</a>,
-<a href="g.region.html">g.region</a>,
-<a href="r.blend.html">r.blend</a>,
-<a href="r.colors.html">r.colors</a>,
-<a href="r.mapcalc.html">r.mapcalc</a>,
-<a href="r.resamp.interp.html">r.resamp.interp</a>
-Jim Westervelt, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
-Markus Metz: GRASS GIS 7- enhanced fast C version of r.shaded.relief
-<p><i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Copied: grass/trunk/raster/r.relief/r_relief.png (from rev 63304, grass/trunk/raster/r.shaded.relief/r_shaded_relief.png)
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: grass/trunk/raster/r.relief/r_shaded_relief.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/Makefile
--- grass/trunk/scripts/Makefile	2014-11-30 22:25:52 UTC (rev 63304)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/Makefile	2014-12-01 00:21:48 UTC (rev 63305)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 	d.rast.edit \
 	d.rast.leg \
 	d.redraw \
-	d.shadedmap \
+	d.shade \
 	d.vect.thematic \
 	d.what.rast \
 	d.what.vect \
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 	r.plane \
 	r.reclass.area \
 	r.rgb \
-	r.shadedmap \
+	r.shade \
 	r.tileset \
 	r.unpack \
 	r3.in.xyz \

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/d.shade/Makefile
--- grass/trunk/scripts/d.shadedmap/Makefile	2014-11-30 22:25:52 UTC (rev 63304)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/d.shade/Makefile	2014-12-01 00:21:48 UTC (rev 63305)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-PGM = d.shadedmap
+PGM = d.shade
 include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make

Copied: grass/trunk/scripts/d.shade/d.shade.html (from rev 63304, grass/trunk/scripts/d.shadedmap/d.shadedmap.html)
--- grass/trunk/scripts/d.shade/d.shade.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/d.shade/d.shade.html	2014-12-01 00:21:48 UTC (rev 63305)
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<em>d.shade</em> will drape a color raster map over a shaded relief map.
+In place of shaded relief, any raster map can be used including aspect or slope.
+The color raster map is usually an elevation raster map with colorful color
+table (as opposed to gray scale color table). However, any raster map can be
+used including categorical raster maps.
+The advantage of this module is that it allows to visualize the shaded map
+without a need to create a new raster which would combine both.
+Comparing to creating shaded relief as semi-transparent overlay on
+the color raster map, this module gives result with more saturated colors.
+The input for this module can be created for example using
+<a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</a> or
+<a href="r.relief.html">r.relief</a><br>.
+Refer to the <em><a href="d.his.html">d.his</a></em> help page for more details;
+<em>d.shade</em> is simply a frontend to that module.
+In this example, the <tt>aspect</tt> map in the North Carolina sample
+dataset location is used to hillshade the <tt>elevation</tt> map:
+<div class="code"><pre>
+g.region rast=aspect -p
+d.mon wx0
+d.shade reliefmap=aspect drapemap=elevation
+image generated using the example above
+display region: g.region -a n=227228 s=220895 w=631362 e=641170
+d.out.file dshade.png
+optipng -o5 dshade.png
+<img src="dshadedmap.png" alt="Elevation with aspect shades">
+Figure: A detail of raster created by applying shading effect of aspect
+to elevation raster map from North Carolina dataset elevation map
+TODO: perhaps add some explanation or thoughts about aspect versus shaded
+relief such as: in this case the shades created using aspect are much sharper
+comparing to what shaded relief would give and there are some extreme values
+in some areas
+In this next example, a shaded relief raster map is created
+and used to create a colorized hillshade:
+<div class="code"><pre>
+g.region rast=elevation
+r.relief input=elevation output=elevation_shaded_relief
+d.mon wx1
+d.shade reliefmap=elevation_shaded_relief drapemap=elevation
+Interesting visualizations can be created using different color tables for
+elevation raster map, for example using <tt>haxby</tt> color table.
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+<a href="d.his.html">d.his</a>,
+<a href="g.pnmcomp.html">g.pnmcomp</a>,
+<a href="r.shade.html">r.shade</a>,
+<a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</a>,
+<a href="r.relief.html">r.relief</a><br>
+<a href="wxGUI.nviz.html">wxGUI 3D viewer (NVIZ)</a>
+Unknown; updated to GRASS 5.7 by Michael Barton
+<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Copied: grass/trunk/scripts/d.shade/d.shade.py (from rev 63304, grass/trunk/scripts/d.shadedmap/d.shadedmap.py)
--- grass/trunk/scripts/d.shade/d.shade.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/d.shade/d.shade.py	2014-12-01 00:21:48 UTC (rev 63305)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# MODULE:        d.shade
+# AUTHOR(S):        Unknown; updated to GRASS 5.7 by Michael Barton
+#                Converted to Python by Glynn Clements
+# PURPOSE:        Uses d.his to drape a color raster over a shaded relief map
+# COPYRIGHT:     (C) 2004-2013 by the GRASS Development Team
+#                This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+#                License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+#                for details.
+#% description: Drapes a color raster over an shaded relief or aspect map.
+#% keywords: display
+#% keywords: elevation
+#% keywords: relief
+#% keywords: hillshade
+#% keywords: visualization
+#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
+#% key: reliefmap
+#% description: Name of shaded relief or aspect raster map
+#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
+#% key: drapemap
+#% label: Name of raster to drape over relief raster map
+#% description: Typically, this raster is elevation or other colorful raster
+#% key: brighten
+#% type: integer
+#% description: Percent to brighten
+#% options: -99-99
+#% answer: 0
+from grass.script import core as gcore
+from grass.exceptions import CalledModuleError
+def main():
+    options, unused = gcore.parser()
+    env = gcore.gisenv()
+    mon = env.get('MONITOR', None)
+    if not mon:
+        gcore.fatal(_("No graphics device selected. Use d.mon to select graphics device."))
+    drape_map = options['drapemap']
+    relief_map = options['reliefmap']
+    brighten = options['brighten']
+    try:
+        gcore.run_command('d.his', hue=drape_map, intensity=relief_map,
+                          brighten=brighten)
+    except CalledModuleError:
+        gcore.fatal(_("Module %s failed. Check the above error messages.") % 'd.his')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

Deleted: grass/trunk/scripts/d.shade/d.shadedmap.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/d.shadedmap/d.shadedmap.html	2014-11-30 22:25:52 UTC (rev 63304)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/d.shade/d.shadedmap.html	2014-12-01 00:21:48 UTC (rev 63305)
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-<em>d.shadedmap</em> will drape a color raster map over a shaded relief map.
-In place of shaded relief, any raster map can be used including aspect or slope.
-The color raster map is usually an elevation raster map with colorful color
-table (as opposed to gray scale color table). However, any raster map can be
-used including categorical raster maps.
-The advantage of this module is that it allows to visualize the shaded map
-without a need to create a new raster which would combine both.
-Comparing to creating shaded relief as semi-transparent overlay on
-the color raster map, this module gives result with more saturated colors.
-The input for this module can be created for example using
-<a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</a> or
-<a href="r.shaded.relief.html">r.shaded.relief</a><br>.
-Refer to the <em><a href="d.his.html">d.his</a></em> help page for more details;
-<em>d.shadedmap</em> is simply a frontend to that module.
-In this example, the <tt>aspect</tt> map in the North Carolina sample
-dataset location is used to hillshade the <tt>elevation</tt> map:
-<div class="code"><pre>
-g.region rast=aspect -p
-d.mon wx0
-d.shadedmap reliefmap=aspect drapemap=elevation
-image generated using the example above
-display region: g.region -a n=227228 s=220895 w=631362 e=641170
-d.out.file dshadedmap.png
-optipng -o5 dshadedmap.png
-<img src="dshadedmap.png" alt="Elevation with aspect shades">
-Figure: A detail of raster created by applying shading effect of aspect
-to elevation raster map from North Carolina dataset elevation map
-TODO: perhaps add some explanation or thoughts about aspect versus shaded
-relief such as: in this case the shades created using aspect are much sharper
-comparing to what shaded relief would give and there are some extreme values
-in some areas
-In this next example, a shaded relief raster map is created
-and used to create a colorized hillshade:
-<div class="code"><pre>
-g.region rast=elevation
-r.shaded.relief input=elevation output=elevation_shaded_relief
-d.mon wx1
-d.shadedmap reliefmap=elevation_shaded_relief drapemap=elevation
-Interesting visualizations can be created using different color tables for
-elevation raster map, for example using <tt>haxby</tt> color table.
-<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="d.his.html">d.his</a>,
-<a href="g.pnmcomp.html">g.pnmcomp</a>,
-<a href="r.shadedmap.html">r.shadedmap</a>,
-<a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</a>,
-<a href="r.shaded.relief.html">r.shaded.relief</a><br>
-<a href="wxGUI.nviz.html">wxGUI 3D viewer (NVIZ)</a>
-Unknown; updated to GRASS 5.7 by Michael Barton
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Deleted: grass/trunk/scripts/d.shade/d.shadedmap.py
--- grass/trunk/scripts/d.shadedmap/d.shadedmap.py	2014-11-30 22:25:52 UTC (rev 63304)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/d.shade/d.shadedmap.py	2014-12-01 00:21:48 UTC (rev 63305)
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# MODULE:        d.shadedmap
-# AUTHOR(S):        Unknown; updated to GRASS 5.7 by Michael Barton
-#                Converted to Python by Glynn Clements
-# PURPOSE:        Uses d.his to drape a color raster over a shaded relief map
-# COPYRIGHT:     (C) 2004-2013 by the GRASS Development Team
-#                This program is free software under the GNU General Public
-#                License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
-#                for details.
-#% description: Drapes a color raster over an shaded relief or aspect map.
-#% keywords: display
-#% keywords: elevation
-#% keywords: relief
-#% keywords: hillshade
-#% keywords: visualization
-#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
-#% key: reliefmap
-#% description: Name of shaded relief or aspect raster map
-#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
-#% key: drapemap
-#% label: Name of raster to drape over relief raster map
-#% description: Typically, this raster is elevation or other colorful raster
-#% key: brighten
-#% type: integer
-#% description: Percent to brighten
-#% options: -99-99
-#% answer: 0
-from grass.script import core as gcore
-from grass.exceptions import CalledModuleError
-def main():
-    options, unused = gcore.parser()
-    env = gcore.gisenv()
-    mon = env.get('MONITOR', None)
-    if not mon:
-        gcore.fatal(_("No graphics device selected. Use d.mon to select graphics device."))
-    drape_map = options['drapemap']
-    relief_map = options['reliefmap']
-    brighten = options['brighten']
-    try:
-        gcore.run_command('d.his', hue=drape_map, intensity=relief_map,
-                          brighten=brighten)
-    except CalledModuleError:
-        gcore.fatal(_("Module %s failed. Check the above error messages.") % 'd.his')
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()

Copied: grass/trunk/scripts/d.shade/dshade.png (from rev 63304, grass/trunk/scripts/d.shadedmap/dshadedmap.png)
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: grass/trunk/scripts/d.shade/dshadedmap.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: grass/trunk/scripts/r.shade/Makefile
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.shadedmap/Makefile	2014-11-30 22:25:52 UTC (rev 63304)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.shade/Makefile	2014-12-01 00:21:48 UTC (rev 63305)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-PGM = r.shadedmap
+PGM = r.shade
 include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Script.make

Copied: grass/trunk/scripts/r.shade/r.shade.html (from rev 63304, grass/trunk/scripts/r.shadedmap/r.shadedmap.html)
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.shade/r.shade.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.shade/r.shade.html	2014-12-01 00:21:48 UTC (rev 63305)
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<em>r.shade</em> will drape a color raster map over a shaded relief map.
+In place of shaded relief, any raster map can be used including aspect or slope.
+The color raster map is usually an elevation raster map with colorful color
+table (as opposed to gray scale color table). However, any raster map can be
+used including categorical raster maps.
+The result is a raster map created from elevation and the shade raster.
+Comparing to creating shaded relief as semi-transparent overlay on
+the color raster map, this module gives result with more saturated colors.
+The input for this module can be created for example using
+<a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</a> or
+<a href="r.relief.html">r.relief</a><br>.
+NULL values are propagated by default, so if any of the two input rasters
+contains NULL cell NULL will be also in the output. If <b>-c</b> flag is
+used and cell in <b>drapemap</b> raster is NULL, just <b>reliefmap</b>
+color is used. If cell in <b>reliefmap</b> raster is NULL, shading effect
+is not applied and original colors are used. If <b>bgcolor</b> option is
+used, NULL value in any input raster will be in the output replaced
+by the given color.
+Refer to the <a href="r.his.html">r.his</a> help page for more details;
+<em>r.shade</em> is a frontend to that module with addition of
+brightness support similar to one provided by
+<em><a href="d.shade.html">d.shade</a></em>.
+However, note that the brightness is not implemenented in the same way as for
+<em><a href="d.shade.html">d.shade</a></em> and the results might
+be different.
+<em>r.shade</em> is using method described in <a href="r.his.html">r.his</a>
+manual page.
+In this example, the <tt>aspect</tt> map in the North Carolina sample
+dataset location is used to hillshade the <tt>elevation</tt> map:
+<div class="code"><pre>
+g.region rast=aspect -p
+r.shade reliefmap=aspect drapemap=elevation output=elevation_aspect_shaded
+d.mon wx0
+d.rast elevation_aspect_shaded
+In this next example, a shaded relief raster map is created
+and used to create a colorized hillshade
+raster map for later use:
+<div class="code"><pre>
+g.region rast=elevation
+r.relief input=elevation output=elevation_shaded_relief
+r.shade reliefmap=elevation_shaded_relief drapemap=elevation \
+    output=elevation_relief_shaded
+d.mon wx1
+d.rast elevation_relief_shaded
+Interesting visualizations can be created using different color tables for
+elevation raster map, for example using <tt>haxby</tt> color table.
+image generated using the example above
+display region: g.region -a n=227228 s=220895 w=631362 e=641170
+d.out.file rshade.png
+optipng -o5 rshade.png
+Note: The image is darker in the GNOME image viewer than the one in the map
+display. However, Firefox shows the same colors.
+<img src="rshade.png" alt="Elevation with shaded relief (hillshade)">
+Figure: A detail of raster created by applying shading effect of shaded relief
+(hillshade) to elevation raster map from North Carolina dataset elevation map
+<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+<a href="r.his.html">r.his</a>,
+<a href="d.his.html">d.his</a>,
+<a href="d.shade.html">d.shade</a>,
+<a href="g.pnmcomp.html">g.pnmcomp</a>,
+<a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</a>,
+<a href="r.relief.html">r.relief</a>
+Hamish Bowman<br>
+Vaclav Petras, <a href="http://geospatial.ncsu.edu/osgeorel/">NCSU OSGeoREL</a><br>
+Inspired by <em><a href="d.shade.html">d.shade</a></em> and
+manual for <em><a href="r.his.html">r.his</a></em>.
+<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Copied: grass/trunk/scripts/r.shade/r.shade.py (from rev 63304, grass/trunk/scripts/r.shadedmap/r.shadedmap.py)
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.shade/r.shade.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.shade/r.shade.py	2014-12-01 00:21:48 UTC (rev 63305)
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# MODULE:        r.shade
+# AUTHOR(S):     Hamish Bowman
+#                Vaclav Petras <wenzeslaus gmail com>
+#                Inspired by d.shade (formerly d.shadedmap)
+# PURPOSE:       Uses r.his to drape a color raster over a shaded relief map
+# COPYRIGHT:     (C) 2014 by Hamish Bowman, and the GRASS Development Team
+#                This program is free software under the GNU General Public
+#                License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
+#                for details.
+#% description: Drapes a color raster over an shaded relief or aspect map.
+#% keywords: raster
+#% keywords: elevation
+#% keywords: relief
+#% keywords: hillshade
+#% keywords: visualization
+#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
+#% key: reliefmap
+#% description: Name of shaded relief or aspect raster map
+#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
+#% key: drapemap
+#% label: Name of raster to drape over relief raster map
+#% description: Typically, this raster is elevation or other colorful raster
+#%option G_OPT_R_OUTPUT
+#% description: Name of shaded raster map
+#% key: brighten
+#% type: integer
+#% description: Percent to brighten
+#% options: -99-99
+#% answer: 0
+#% key: bgcolor
+#% type: string
+#% key_desc: name
+#% label: Color to use instead of NULL values
+#% description: Either a standard color name, R:G:B triplet, or "none"
+#% gisprompt: old,color_none,color
+#% key: c
+#% description: Use colors from color tables for NULL values
+#% exclusive: bgcolor, -c
+# TODO: bgcolor is not using standard option because it has default white
+# using `answer:` will cause `default:` which is not the same as no default
+import os
+from grass.script import core as gcore
+from grass.script import raster as grast
+from grass.exceptions import CalledModuleError
+def remove(maps):
+    """Remove raster maps"""
+    gcore.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', quiet=True,
+                      type='rast', name=maps)
+def main():
+    options, flags = gcore.parser()
+    drape_map = options['drapemap']
+    relief_map = options['reliefmap']
+    brighten = int(options['brighten'])
+    output_map = options['output']
+    bgcolor = options['bgcolor']
+    rhis_extra_args = {}
+    if bgcolor:
+        rhis_extra_args['bgcolor'] = bgcolor
+    if flags['c']:
+        rhis_extra_args['flags'] = 'c'
+    to_remove = []
+    try:
+        unique_name = 'tmp__rshade_%d' % os.getpid()
+        tmp_base = '%s_drape' % unique_name
+        tmp_r = tmp_base + '.r'
+        tmp_g = tmp_base + '.g'
+        tmp_b = tmp_base + '.b'
+        if brighten:
+            # steps taken from r.his manual page
+            # how much they are similar with d.shade/d.his is unknown
+            # perhaps even without brightness, there can be some differences
+            # comparing to d.shade
+            relief_map_tmp = '%s_relief' % unique_name
+            # convert [-99, -99] to [0.01, 1.99]
+            brighten = 1 + brighten / 100.
+            grast.mapcalc('{n} = {c} * #{o}'.format(
+                n=relief_map_tmp, o=relief_map, c=brighten))
+            gcore.run_command('r.colors', map=relief_map_tmp, color='grey255')
+            relief_map = relief_map_tmp
+            to_remove.append(relief_map_tmp)
+        gcore.run_command('r.his', hue=drape_map, intensity=relief_map,
+                          red=tmp_r, green=tmp_g, blue=tmp_b, **rhis_extra_args)
+        to_remove.extend([tmp_r, tmp_g, tmp_b])
+        gcore.run_command('r.composite', red=tmp_r, green=tmp_g,
+                          blue=tmp_b, output=output_map)
+        remove(to_remove)  # who knows if finally is called when exit
+    except CalledModuleError, error:
+        remove(to_remove)
+        # TODO: implement module name to CalledModuleError
+        gcore.fatal(_("Module %s failed. Check the above error messages.") % error.cmd)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

Deleted: grass/trunk/scripts/r.shade/r.shadedmap.html
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.shadedmap/r.shadedmap.html	2014-11-30 22:25:52 UTC (rev 63304)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.shade/r.shadedmap.html	2014-12-01 00:21:48 UTC (rev 63305)
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-<em>r.shadedmap</em> will drape a color raster map over a shaded relief map.
-In place of shaded relief, any raster map can be used including aspect or slope.
-The color raster map is usually an elevation raster map with colorful color
-table (as opposed to gray scale color table). However, any raster map can be
-used including categorical raster maps.
-The result is a raster map created from elevation and the shade raster.
-Comparing to creating shaded relief as semi-transparent overlay on
-the color raster map, this module gives result with more saturated colors.
-The input for this module can be created for example using
-<a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</a> or
-<a href="r.shaded.relief.html">r.shaded.relief</a><br>.
-NULL values are propagated by default, so if any of the two input rasters
-contains NULL cell NULL will be also in the output. If <b>-c</b> flag is
-used and cell in <b>drapemap</b> raster is NULL, just <b>reliefmap</b>
-color is used. If cell in <b>reliefmap</b> raster is NULL, shading effect
-is not applied and original colors are used. If <b>bgcolor</b> option is
-used, NULL value in any input raster will be in the output replaced
-by the given color.
-Refer to the <a href="r.his.html">r.his</a> help page for more details;
-<em>r.shadedmap</em> is a frontend to that module with addition of
-brightness support similar to one provided by
-<em><a href="d.shadedmap.html">d.shadedmap</a></em>.
-However, note that the brightness is not implemenented in the same way as for
-<em><a href="d.shadedmap.html">d.shadedmap</a></em> and the results might
-be different.
-<em>r.shadedmap</em> is using method described in <a href="r.his.html">r.his</a>
-manual page.
-In this example, the <tt>aspect</tt> map in the North Carolina sample
-dataset location is used to hillshade the <tt>elevation</tt> map:
-<div class="code"><pre>
-g.region rast=aspect -p
-r.shadedmap reliefmap=aspect drapemap=elevation output=elevation_aspect_shaded
-d.mon wx0
-d.rast elevation_aspect_shaded
-In this next example, a shaded relief raster map is created
-and used to create a colorized hillshade
-raster map for later use:
-<div class="code"><pre>
-g.region rast=elevation
-r.shaded.relief input=elevation output=elevation_shaded_relief
-r.shadedmap reliefmap=elevation_shaded_relief drapemap=elevation \
-    output=elevation_relief_shaded
-d.mon wx1
-d.rast elevation_relief_shaded
-Interesting visualizations can be created using different color tables for
-elevation raster map, for example using <tt>haxby</tt> color table.
-image generated using the example above
-display region: g.region -a n=227228 s=220895 w=631362 e=641170
-d.out.file rshadedmap.png
-optipng -o5 rshadedmap.png
-Note: The image is darker in the GNOME image viewer than the one in the map
-display. However, Firefox shows the same colors.
-<img src="rshadedmap.png" alt="Elevation with shaded relief (hillshade)">
-Figure: A detail of raster created by applying shading effect of shaded relief
-(hillshade) to elevation raster map from North Carolina dataset elevation map
-<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
-<a href="r.his.html">r.his</a>,
-<a href="d.his.html">d.his</a>,
-<a href="d.shadedmap.html">d.shadedmap</a>,
-<a href="g.pnmcomp.html">g.pnmcomp</a>,
-<a href="r.slope.aspect.html">r.slope.aspect</a>,
-<a href="r.shaded.relief.html">r.shaded.relief</a>
-Hamish Bowman<br>
-Vaclav Petras, <a href="http://geospatial.ncsu.edu/osgeorel/">NCSU OSGeoREL</a><br>
-Inspired by <em><a href="d.shadedmap.html">d.shadedmap</a></em> and
-manual for <em><a href="r.his.html">r.his</a></em>.
-<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>

Deleted: grass/trunk/scripts/r.shade/r.shadedmap.py
--- grass/trunk/scripts/r.shadedmap/r.shadedmap.py	2014-11-30 22:25:52 UTC (rev 63304)
+++ grass/trunk/scripts/r.shade/r.shadedmap.py	2014-12-01 00:21:48 UTC (rev 63305)
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# MODULE:        r.shadedmap
-# AUTHOR(S):     Hamish Bowman
-#                Vaclav Petras <wenzeslaus gmail com>
-#                Inspired by d.shadedmap
-# PURPOSE:       Uses r.his to drape a color raster over a shaded relief map
-# COPYRIGHT:     (C) 2014 by Hamish Bowman, and the GRASS Development Team
-#                This program is free software under the GNU General Public
-#                License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
-#                for details.
-#% description: Drapes a color raster over an shaded relief or aspect map.
-#% keywords: raster
-#% keywords: elevation
-#% keywords: relief
-#% keywords: hillshade
-#% keywords: visualization
-#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
-#% key: reliefmap
-#% description: Name of shaded relief or aspect raster map
-#%option G_OPT_R_INPUT
-#% key: drapemap
-#% label: Name of raster to drape over relief raster map
-#% description: Typically, this raster is elevation or other colorful raster
-#%option G_OPT_R_OUTPUT
-#% description: Name of shaded raster map
-#% key: brighten
-#% type: integer
-#% description: Percent to brighten
-#% options: -99-99
-#% answer: 0
-#% key: bgcolor
-#% type: string
-#% key_desc: name
-#% label: Color to use instead of NULL values
-#% description: Either a standard color name, R:G:B triplet, or "none"
-#% gisprompt: old,color_none,color
-#% key: c
-#% description: Use colors from color tables for NULL values
-#% exclusive: bgcolor, -c
-# TODO: bgcolor is not using standard option because it has default white
-# using `answer:` will cause `default:` which is not the same as no default
-import os
-from grass.script import core as gcore
-from grass.script import raster as grast
-from grass.exceptions import CalledModuleError
-def remove(maps):
-    """Remove raster maps"""
-    gcore.run_command('g.remove', flags='f', quiet=True,
-                      type='rast', name=maps)
-def main():
-    options, flags = gcore.parser()
-    drape_map = options['drapemap']
-    relief_map = options['reliefmap']
-    brighten = int(options['brighten'])
-    output_map = options['output']
-    bgcolor = options['bgcolor']
-    rhis_extra_args = {}
-    if bgcolor:
-        rhis_extra_args['bgcolor'] = bgcolor
-    if flags['c']:
-        rhis_extra_args['flags'] = 'c'
-    to_remove = []
-    try:
-        unique_name = 'tmp__rshadedmap_%d' % os.getpid()
-        tmp_base = '%s_drape' % unique_name
-        tmp_r = tmp_base + '.r'
-        tmp_g = tmp_base + '.g'
-        tmp_b = tmp_base + '.b'
-        if brighten:
-            # steps taken from r.his manual page
-            # how much they are similar with d.shadedmap/d.his is unknown
-            # perhaps even without brightness, there can be some differences
-            # comparing to d.shadedmap
-            relief_map_tmp = '%s_relief' % unique_name
-            # convert [-99, -99] to [0.01, 1.99]
-            brighten = 1 + brighten / 100.
-            grast.mapcalc('{n} = {c} * #{o}'.format(
-                n=relief_map_tmp, o=relief_map, c=brighten))
-            gcore.run_command('r.colors', map=relief_map_tmp, color='grey255')
-            relief_map = relief_map_tmp
-            to_remove.append(relief_map_tmp)
-        gcore.run_command('r.his', hue=drape_map, intensity=relief_map,
-                          red=tmp_r, green=tmp_g, blue=tmp_b, **rhis_extra_args)
-        to_remove.extend([tmp_r, tmp_g, tmp_b])
-        gcore.run_command('r.composite', red=tmp_r, green=tmp_g,
-                          blue=tmp_b, output=output_map)
-        remove(to_remove)  # who knows if finally is called when exit
-    except CalledModuleError, error:
-        remove(to_remove)
-        # TODO: implement module name to CalledModuleError
-        gcore.fatal(_("Module %s failed. Check the above error messages.") % error.cmd)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()

Copied: grass/trunk/scripts/r.shade/rshade.png (from rev 63304, grass/trunk/scripts/r.shadedmap/rshadedmap.png)
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: grass/trunk/scripts/r.shade/rshadedmap.png
(Binary files differ)

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