[GRASS-SVN] r62380 - in sandbox/krejcmat/src: . tvectPlot

svn_grass at osgeo.org svn_grass at osgeo.org
Sun Oct 26 09:02:57 PDT 2014

Author: krejcmat
Date: 2014-10-26 09:02:57 -0700 (Sun, 26 Oct 2014)
New Revision: 62380

vector tplot

Added: sandbox/krejcmat/src/tvectPlot/frame.py
--- sandbox/krejcmat/src/tvectPlot/frame.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/krejcmat/src/tvectPlot/frame.py	2014-10-26 16:02:57 UTC (rev 62380)
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+ at package frame
+ at brief Temporal Plot Tool
+ - frame::DataCursor
+ - frame::TplotFrame
+ - frame::LookUp
+(C) 2012-2014 by the GRASS Development Team
+This program is free software under the GNU General Public License
+(>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details.
+ at author Luca Delucchi
+from itertools import cycle
+import numpy as np
+import wx
+    import matplotlib
+    # The recommended way to use wx with mpl is with the WXAgg
+    # backend.
+    matplotlib.use('WXAgg')
+    from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+    from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import \
+        FigureCanvasWxAgg as FigCanvas, \
+        NavigationToolbar2WxAgg as NavigationToolbar
+    import matplotlib.dates as mdates
+    from matplotlib import cbook
+except ImportError:
+    raise ImportError(_('The Temporal Plot Tool needs the "matplotlib" '
+                        '(python-matplotlib) package to be installed.'))
+# from core.utils import _
+from grass.pygrass.modules import Module
+from grass.script import parse_key_val
+from subprocess import PIPE
+import re
+import grass.temporal as tgis
+from core.gcmd import GMessage, GError, GException, RunCommand
+from gui_core import gselect
+from core import globalvar
+from pygrass.vector import Vector
+# from grass.pygrass.vector.table import Table
+from pygrass.vector.table import Link
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import sys
+import os
+import wx
+import wx.lib.flatnotebook    as FN
+import grass.script as grass
+from core.debug import Debug
+from core.utils import _
+from dbmgr.base import DbMgrBase
+from gui_core.widgets import GNotebook
+from grass.script import parse_key_val
+from subprocess import PIPE
+ALPHA = 0.5
+COLORS = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k']
+def check_version(*version):
+    """Checks if given version or newer is installed"""
+    versionInstalled = []
+    for i in matplotlib.__version__.split('.'):
+        try:
+            v = int(i)
+            versionInstalled.append(v)
+        except ValueError:
+            versionInstalled.append(0)
+    if versionInstalled < list(version):
+        return False
+    else:
+        return True
+class GuiCloner(wx.Panel):
+    def __init__(self,parent):
+        wx.Panel.__init__(self,parent=parent,id=wx.ID_ANY)
+        vbox=wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        self.SetSizer(vbox)
+        label=wx.StaticText(parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=_("WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keyword"))
+        vbox.Add(label,flag=wx.EXPAND,proportion=1)
+        self.value=wx.TextCtrl(parent=self, id=wx.ID_ANY)
+        vbox.Add(self.value,flag=wx.EXPAND,proportion=1)
+class TplotFrame(wx.Frame):
+    """The main frame of the application"""
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY,
+                          title=_("GRASS GIS Temporal Plot Tool"))
+        tgis.init(True)
+        self.first=True
+        self.listWhereConditions=[]
+        self.datasets = []
+        self.plotNameList=[]
+        self.output = None
+        self.timeData = {}
+        self._layout()
+        self.temporalType = None
+        self.unit = None
+        # We create a database interface here to speedup the GUI
+        self.dbif = tgis.SQLDatabaseInterfaceConnection()
+        self.dbif.connect()
+    def __del__(self):
+        """Close the database interface and stop the messenger and C-interface
+           subprocesses.
+        """
+        if self.dbif.connected is True:
+            self.dbif.close()
+        tgis.stop_subprocesses()
+    def _layout(self):
+        """Creates the main panel with all the controls on it:
+             * mpl canvas
+             * mpl navigation toolbar
+             * Control panel for interaction
+        """
+        self.panel = wx.Panel(self)
+        # Create the mpl Figure and FigCanvas objects.
+        # 5x4 inches, 100 dots-per-inch
+        # color =  wx.SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BACKGROUND)
+        self.fig = Figure((5.0, 4.0), facecolor=(1, 1, 1))
+        self.canvas = FigCanvas(self.panel, wx.ID_ANY, self.fig)
+        # axes are initialized later
+        self.axes2d = None
+        self.axes3d = None
+        # Create the navigation toolbar, tied to the canvas
+        self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas)
+        # Layout
+        self.vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        self.vbox.Add(self.canvas, 1, wx.LEFT | wx.TOP | wx.EXPAND)
+        self.vbox.Add(self.toolbar, 0, wx.EXPAND)
+        self.vbox.AddSpacer(10)
+        #gridSizer = wx.GridBagSizer(hgap=5, vgap=5)
+        self.drawButton = wx.Button(self.panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=_("Draw"))
+        self.drawButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnRedraw)
+        self.addButton=wx.Button(self.panel,id=wx.ID_ANY,label=_('+'))
+        self.addButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.onAddButton)
+        self.helpButton = wx.Button(self.panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=_("Help"))
+        self.helpButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnHelp)
+        # 1 temporal dataset selection
+        self.datasetSelect = gselect.Select(parent=self.panel, id=wx.ID_ANY,
+                                            size=globalvar.DIALOG_GSELECT_SIZE,
+                                            type='stvds', multiple=True)
+        #2 map selection
+        self.whereCondition = wx.TextCtrl(parent=self.panel, id=wx.ID_ANY)
+        self.whereCondition.SetToolTipString(_("where=sql_query"))
+        #3 attribute selection
+        self.columnsVal = wx.TextCtrl(parent=self.panel, id=wx.ID_ANY)
+        #self.columnsVal.SetToolTipString(_("Name of attribute column(s)."))
+        #time dataset
+        self.vbox.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=_("Select space time vector dataset")),
+                       flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
+        self.vbox.Add(self.datasetSelect,  flag=wx.EXPAND)
+        #attribute selection
+        self.vbox.Add(wx.StaticText(parent=self.panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=_('Name of attribute column(s).')),
+                       flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
+        self.vbox.Add(self.columnsVal,  flag=wx.EXPAND)
+        #sql condition
+        self.vbox.Add(wx.StaticText(parent=self.panel, id=wx.ID_ANY, label=_("WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keyword")),
+                       flag=wx.EXPAND)
+        self.hBox=wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+        self.vbox.Add(self.hBox,flag=wx.EXPAND)
+        self.hBox.Add(self.whereCondition, flag=wx.EXPAND,proportion=1)
+        self.hBox.Add(self.addButton)
+        self.index=8
+        self.listWhereConditions.append(self.whereCondition)
+        #self.vbox.Add(self.helpButton)
+        self.vbox.Add(self.drawButton, flag=wx.EXPAND)
+        #self.vbox.Add(gridSizer, proportion=0, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=10)
+        self.panel.SetSizer(self.vbox)
+        self.vbox.Fit(self)
+        self.columnsVal.SetValue('precip_mm_h')
+        self.whereCondition.SetValue('linkid=61')
+    def onAddButton(self,evt):
+        #if len(self.datasetSelect.GetValue().split(','))>1:
+        #    return
+        self.index+=1
+        item=GuiCloner(self.panel)
+        self.vbox.Insert(self.index,item,flag=wx.EXPAND)
+        self.listWhereConditions.append(item.value)
+        self.vbox.Fit(self)
+    def _getData(self, timeseries):
+        """Load data and read properties
+        :param list timeseries: a list of timeseries
+        """
+        try:
+            len(self.timeData)
+        except:
+            self.timeData = OrderedDict()
+        mode = None
+        unit = None
+        num=1
+        columns = ','.join(['name', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'id'])
+        print self.listWhereConditions
+        for series in timeseries:
+            for i in range(0,len(self.listWhereConditions)):
+                print 'i',i
+                conditionWhere=self.listWhereConditions[i].GetValue()
+                name = series[0]
+                fullname = name + '@' + series[1]
+                etype = series[2]
+                sp = tgis.dataset_factory(etype, fullname)
+                sp.select(dbif=self.dbif)
+                name = str(series)+str(conditionWhere)
+                self.plotNameList.append(name)
+                print name
+                self.timeData[name] = OrderedDict()
+                if not sp.is_in_db(dbif=self.dbif):
+                    GError(self, message=_("Dataset <%s> not found in temporal ""database") % (fullname))
+                    return
+                self.timeData[name]['temporalDataType'] = etype
+                self.timeData[name]['temporalType'] = sp.get_temporal_type()
+                self.timeData[name]['granularity'] = sp.get_granularity()
+                if mode is None:
+                    mode = self.timeData[name]['temporalType']
+                elif self.timeData[name]['temporalType'] != mode:
+                    GError(parent=self, message=_("Datasets have different temporal"
+                                                  " type (absolute x relative), "
+                                                  "which is not allowed."))
+                    return
+                # check topology
+                maps = sp.get_registered_maps_as_objects(dbif=self.dbif)
+                self.timeData[name]['validTopology'] = sp.check_temporal_topology(maps=maps, dbif=self.dbif)
+                self.timeData[name]['unit'] = None  # only with relative
+                if self.timeData[name]['temporalType'] == 'relative':
+                    start, end, self.timeData[name]['unit'] = sp.get_relative_time()
+                    if unit is None:
+                        unit = self.timeData[name]['unit']
+                    elif self.timeData[name]['unit'] != unit:
+                        GError(self, _("Datasets have different time unit which is not allowed."))
+                        return
+                rows = sp.get_registered_maps(dbif=self.dbif, order="start_time", columns=columns, where=None)
+                for row in rows:
+                    self.timeData[name][row[3]] = {}
+                    self.timeData[name][row[3]]['start_datetime'] = row[1]
+                    self.timeData[name][row[3]]['end_datetime'] = row[2]
+                    if self.timeData[name][row[3]]['end_datetime'] is None:
+                        self.timeData[name][row[3]]['end_datetime'] = row[1]
+                    mapName = str(row[3])
+                    if mapName.find(':'):
+                        layer = re.search(':(.*)@', mapName).group(1)
+                        mapName1=mapName.replace(':'+layer,'')
+                    select = Module('v.db.select',
+                                    map=mapName1,
+                                    layer=layer,
+                                    where=conditionWhere,
+                                    columns=self.columnsVal.GetValue(),
+                                    stdout_=PIPE,
+                                    flags='c')
+                    sql= select.outputs.stdout
+                    #print sql
+                    self.timeData[name][row[3]]['value'] = sql
+        #print self.timeData
+        self.unit = unit
+        self.temporalType = mode
+        return
+    def _drawFigure(self):
+        """Draws or print 2D plot (temporal extents)"""
+        self.axes2d.clear()
+        self.axes2d.grid(False)
+        if self.temporalType == 'absolute':
+            self.axes2d.xaxis_date()
+            self.fig.autofmt_xdate()
+            self.convert = mdates.date2num
+            self.invconvert = mdates.num2date
+        else:
+            self.convert = lambda x: x
+            self.invconvert = self.convert
+        colors = cycle(COLORS)
+        yticksNames = []
+        yticksPos = []
+        plots = []
+        lookUp = LookUp(self.timeData, self.invconvert)
+        print self.listWhereConditions
+        for i, name in enumerate(self.plotNameList):
+            #name = self.listWhereConditions[i].GetValue()
+            print 'name',name
+            #print 'y ', self.listWhereConditions[i].GetValue()
+            yticksNames.append(self.columnsVal.GetValue())  # just name; with mapset it would be long
+            yticksPos.append(i)
+            xdata = []
+            ydata = []
+            for keys, values in self.timeData[name].iteritems():
+                if keys in ['temporalType', 'granularity', 'validTopology',
+                            'unit', 'temporalDataType']:
+                    continue
+                xdata.append(self.convert(values['start_datetime']))
+                ydata.append(values['value'])
+            lookUp.AddDataset(yranges=ydata, xranges=xdata, datasetName=name)
+            color = colors.next()
+            plots.append(self.axes2d.plot(xdata, ydata, marker='o',
+                                          color=color, label=name)[0])
+        if self.temporalType == 'absolute':
+            self.axes2d.set_xlabel(_("Temporal resolution: %s" % self.timeData[name]['granularity']))
+        else:
+            self.axes2d.set_xlabel(_("Time [%s]") % self.unit)
+        self.axes2d.set_ylabel(', '.join(yticksNames))
+        # legend
+        handles, labels = self.axes2d.get_legend_handles_labels()
+        self.axes2d.legend(loc=0)
+        if self.output:
+            self.canvas.print_figure(filename=self.output, dpi=self.dpi)
+        else:
+            self.canvas.draw()
+        self.listWhereConditions=[]
+    def OnRedraw(self, event):
+        """Required redrawing."""
+       # if self.first is False:
+        #    for item in range(len(self.plotNameList)):
+        #        self.listWhereConditions.pop(item)
+        datasets = self.datasetSelect.GetValue().strip()
+        if not datasets:
+            return
+        #if len(self.datasetSelect.GetValue().split(','))>1 and len(self.listWhereConditions)>1:
+         #   return
+        #if condition is empty
+        try:
+            if self.listWhereConditions[0].GetValue() =='':
+                return
+        except:
+            pass
+        datasets = datasets.split(',')
+        try:
+            datasets = self._checkDatasets(datasets)
+            if not datasets:
+                return
+        except GException:
+            GError(parent=self, message=_("Invalid input data"))
+            return
+        self.datasets = datasets
+        try:
+            attribute = self.columnsVal.GetValue().split(',')
+        except ValueError:
+            GMessage(_("Incorrect format of selected attribute"))
+        self.first=False
+        self._redraw()
+    def _redraw(self):
+        """Readraw data.
+        Decides if to draw also 3D and adjusts layout if needed.
+        """
+        self._getData(self.datasets)
+        # axes3d are physically removed
+        if not self.axes2d:
+            self.axes2d = self.fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
+        self._drawFigure()
+    def _checkDatasets(self, datasets):
+        """Checks and validates datasets.
+        Reports also type of dataset (e.g. 'strds').
+        :param list datasets: list of temporal dataset's name
+        :return: (mapName, mapset, type)
+        """
+        validated = []
+        tDict = tgis.tlist_grouped('stds', group_type=True, dbif=self.dbif)
+        # nested list with '(map, mapset, etype)' items
+        allDatasets = [[[(map, mapset, etype) for map in maps]
+                        for etype, maps in etypesDict.iteritems()]
+                       for mapset, etypesDict in tDict.iteritems()]
+        # flatten this list
+        if allDatasets:
+            allDatasets = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,
+                                                            allDatasets))
+            mapsets = tgis.get_tgis_c_library_interface().available_mapsets()
+            allDatasets = [i for i in sorted(allDatasets,
+                                             key=lambda l: mapsets.index(l[1]))]
+        for dataset in datasets:
+            errorMsg = _("Space time dataset <%s> not found.") % dataset
+            if dataset.find("@") >= 0:
+                nameShort, mapset = dataset.split('@', 1)
+                indices = [n for n, (mapName, mapsetName, etype) in enumerate(allDatasets)
+                           if nameShort == mapName and mapsetName == mapset]
+            else:
+                indices = [n for n, (mapName, mapset, etype) in enumerate(allDatasets)
+                           if dataset == mapName]
+            if len(indices) == 0:
+                raise GException(errorMsg)
+            elif len(indices) >= 2:
+                dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(self,
+                                            message=_("Please specify the "
+                                                      "space time dataset "
+                                                      "<%s>." % dataset),
+                                            caption=_("Ambiguous dataset name"),
+                                            choices=[("%(map)s@%(mapset)s:"
+                                                      " %(etype)s" % {'map': allDatasets[i][0],
+                                                                      'mapset': allDatasets[i][1],
+                                                                      'etype': allDatasets[i][2]})
+                                                     for i in indices],
+                                            style=wx.CHOICEDLG_STYLE | wx.OK)
+                if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+                    index = dlg.GetSelection()
+                    validated.append(allDatasets[indices[index]])
+                else:
+                    continue
+            else:
+                validated.append(allDatasets[indices[0]])
+        return validated
+    def OnHelp(self, event):
+        """Function to show help"""
+        RunCommand('g.manual', quiet=True, entry='g.gui.tplot')
+    def SetDatasets(self, datasets, output, dpi):
+        """Set the data
+        :param list datasets: a list of temporal dataset's name
+        :param str output: the name of output png file
+        :param int dpi: the dpi value for png file
+        """
+        if not datasets:
+            return
+        try:
+            datasets = self._checkDatasets(datasets)
+            if not datasets:
+                return
+        except GException:
+            GError(parent=self, message=_("Invalid input temporal dataset"))
+            return
+        self.datasets = datasets
+        self.output = output
+        self.dpi = dpi
+        self.datasetSelect.SetValue(','.join(map(lambda x: x[0] + '@' + x[1],
+                                                 datasets)))
+        self._redraw()
+class LookUp:
+    """Helper class for searching info by coordinates"""
+    def __init__(self, timeData, convert):
+        self.data = {}
+        self.timeData = timeData
+        self.convert = convert
+    def AddDataset(self, yranges, xranges, datasetName):
+        if len(yranges) != len(xranges):
+            GError(parent=self, message=_("Datasets have different number of"
+                                          "values"))
+        self.data[datasetName] = {}
+        for i in range(len(xranges)):
+            self.data[datasetName][xranges[i]] = yranges[i]
+    def GetInformation(self, x):
+        values = {}
+        for key, value in self.data.iteritems():
+            if value[x]:
+                values[key] = [self.convert(x), value[x]]
+        if len(values) == 0:
+            return None
+        return self.timeData, values
+def InfoFormat(timeData, values):
+    """Formats information about dataset"""
+    text = []
+    for key, val in values.iteritems():
+        etype = timeData[key]['temporalDataType']
+        if etype == 'strds':
+            text.append(_("Space time raster dataset: %s") % key)
+        elif etype == 'stvds':
+            text.append(_("Space time vector dataset: %s") % key)
+        elif etype == 'str3ds':
+            text.append(_("Space time 3D raster dataset: %s") % key)
+        text.append(_("Value for {date} is {val}".format(date=val[0], val=val[1])))
+        text.append('\n')
+    text.append(_("Press Del to dismiss."))
+    return '\n'.join(text)
+def run(parent=None, datasets=None):
+    frame = TplotFrame(parent)
+    if datasets:
+        frame.SetDatasets(datasets)
+    frame.Show()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    run()

Property changes on: sandbox/krejcmat/src/tvectPlot/frame.py
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Added: sandbox/krejcmat/src/tvectPlot/g.gui.tplot.py
--- sandbox/krejcmat/src/tvectPlot/g.gui.tplot.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/krejcmat/src/tvectPlot/g.gui.tplot.py	2014-10-26 16:02:57 UTC (rev 62380)
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ###########################################################################
+# MODULE:    g.gui.tplot.py
+# AUTHOR(S): Luca Delucchi
+# PURPOSE:   Temporal Plot Tool is a wxGUI component (based on matplotlib)
+#            the user to see in a plot the values of one or more temporal
+#            datasets for a queried point defined by a coordinate pair.
+# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2014 by Luca Delucchi, and the GRASS Development Team
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#% description: Allows the user to see in a plot the values of one or more temporal datasets for a queried point defined by a coordinate pair.
+#% keywords: general
+#% keywords: GUI
+#% keywords: temporal
+#% required: no
+#%option G_OPT_F_OUTPUT
+#% required: no
+#% label: Name for output file
+#% description: Add extension to specify format (.png, .pdf, .svg)
+#% key: dpi
+#% type: integer
+#% label: The DPI for output image
+#% description: To use only with output parameter
+#% required: no
+import wx
+import grass.script as grass
+from core.utils import GuiModuleMain
+import frame
+def main():
+    try:
+        from tplot.frame import TplotFrame
+    except ImportError as e:
+        grass.fatal(e.message)
+    datasets = options['inputs'].strip().split(',')
+    datasets = [data for data in datasets if data]
+    output = options['output']
+    dpi = options['dpi']
+    dpi = int(dpi) if dpi else None
+    if dpi and not output:
+        grass.warning(_("No output filename set, so DPI option will not used"))
+    app = wx.App()
+    fr = frame.TplotFrame(None)
+    fr.SetDatasets(datasets, output, dpi)
+    if output:
+        return
+    fr.Show()
+    app.MainLoop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    options, flags = grass.parser()
+    GuiModuleMain(main)

Property changes on: sandbox/krejcmat/src/tvectPlot/g.gui.tplot.py
Added: svn:executable
   + *

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