GRASS-DBMS linkages

Don Newcomb don at
Wed Dec 18 14:02:47 EST 1991

Is there a more-or-less complete description of GRASS-DBMS linkages
(current, planned and in-development) anywhere that developers can
use to plan DBMS development. I, for one, have never had a warm &
fuzzy feeling about the pace of this aspect of GRASS development.

I know that Jim Farley has some special purpose Informix links and
that USGS is working with Postgres. I think it would be good for
someone to try to get together some brief project-plan sheets for
all known DBMS projects and make them available. We would be more
than glad to help with Ingres, Postgres and Informix.

 Donald R. Newcomb                       * I have not been authorized to
 U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office         * issue or modify contracts or 
 Stennis Space Center, MS 39522          * purchase orders, speak for the
 (601) 688-5998                          * Navy in any official capacity
 newcomb at              * or even have an opinion.

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