running grass remotely

Kirby Stephen AM-A 678-4329/88 skirby at
Thu Apr 2 18:31:06 EST 1992

> To the Grass user community,
    This isn't so much a grass problem perhaps as it is a protocol problem but
    I want to run grass4.0 on a remote machine (orion) and have my
>   machine (wadif) serve as the host.
>   So first on wadif I said:
>   xhost orion
>   Then on orion I said:
>   rlogin wadif
>   setenv DISPLAY orion:0
>   Then I bring up grass on orion.
>   It says:
>   LOCATION: spearfish
>   MAPSET: gary    (this is the user name for orion)
>   DATABASE: ../
>   Then upon entering grass it says:
>   Sorry no access to <<gary>>
>   Mapsets in location <spearfish>
>    PERMANENT   gary   root
>  note: you do not have access to any of these mapsets.
>  I checked these mapsets and all of the permissions are turned on.
>  Any ideas?  Thanks.
> --
-                                                                             -
-         Steve Kirby               Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory           -
-                                   phone: 505-678-4329/88                    -
-                                   fax: 505-678-2432                         -
-                                   email: skirby at         -
-                                                                             -

-                                                                             -
-         Steve Kirby               Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory           -
-                                   phone: 505-678-4329/88                    -
-                                   fax: 505-678-2432                         -
-                                   email: skirby at         -
-                                                                             -

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