Greg Koerper
koerper at research.CS.ORST.EDU
Thu Mar 26 19:58:29 EST 1992
The problem is the vast number of potential mapset linkages we use:
Your mapset search list:
cbudget <10>, USFBD <7>, corn <11>, us.political <24>
Available mapsets:
1 2xpet.gfdl 2 2xpet.giss 3 ELEV.5M 4 KUCHLER
5 PERMANENT 6 SAF 7 USFBD 8 campbell
9 canada.veg 10 cbudget 11 corn 12 data2x.gfdl
13 data2x.giss 14 gcm 15 jayne.temp 16 neilson
17 pet.adj 18 rubbd 19 season 20 soil
21 spam 22 spear4 23 turner.avhrr 24 us.political
Hit RETURN to keep current list, or enter a new list of mapsets
(enter the numbers before the mapset name, or the names themselves)
(to ADD to end of list, use + . . .)
(to DELETE from list, use - . . .)
new list> + 18
Mapset search list set to
cbudget USFBD corn us.political rubbd
Mapset <cbudget> in Location <grass>
GRASS 4.0 >
I'd rather give our users a "kinder,gentler" g.mapsets than have them
break out the vi editor--many are CASUAL UNIX users who would be more
comfortable using WordPerfect. But even for myself, I cannot anticipate
the variety of linkages I may wish to have, and the research
environment is fairly dynamic.
Your solution is interesting, though, and I certainly didn't think of it
prior to hacking the code.
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