xgrass, multiple users and photos
Raymond Venneker
venn at geo.vu.nl
Mon Dec 20 06:14:39 EST 1993
In response to:
> > > 2. Can I run a class of 12 on grass? We have pc xemulators
> > > running in our lab and I'd like to run a grass session
> > > off our sun for their practicals.
> >
> > Yes - I have only had three at a time running, but the speed limiting
> > factor was definitely the students not the software.
> >
> This is another item that keeps getting conflicting coverage. Simon, do
> you just circumvent the GRASS anti-concurrent-user locking mechanism by
> brute force, or is there a more elegant means that you might share -- I'm
> supposed to be setting up a lab here too, on an existing 486 base.
I don't think the non-concurrent use feature is meant here. I simply give
each student his/her own mapset within the same location. Maps used
in the exercises all come from mapset PERMANENT.
If it's feasible to have a class of 12 on a single host depends on:
1) the processing power of the host;
2) the amount of data that needs to be processed by the individual
users, i.e. the number of cells in the region they are to use (assuming
raster analyses).
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