Desperately need help with Grass4.1 compilation

Dr. A.R. Palmer plad at
Sat Jun 25 08:52:16 EDT 1994

Anthony Bizos writes:
> Hi, my name is Anthony Bizos and I am a postgrad at the University  of the Witw
> atersrand (WITS) in South Africa. We have a SUN4m architecture SS2000 setup wit
> h gcc and cc. The system is a new purchase ad myself and the entire sys admin c
> rew cannot get past the setup script of grass4.1 . If anyone is currently using
>  Grass4.1 on such a platform and is prepared to assist our systems admin crew w
> e would appreciate it. Appologies for posting to everyone but this is my lasy r
> esort. We hope to do archaeological site distribution modelling and analysis on
>  the system.
> Anticipating your reply
>  Anthony Bizos
Hi Anthony.  Great to have another Grass user here in SA at last.  I
have been using Grass since 1992 on a Sun IPC platform here at Rhodes.
George Wells installed it for me and I am sure he would be able to
advise your sys admin staff.  His e-mail address is csgw at
We have a number of important layers in a lat-long projection for the
entire South Africa. These include mean annual rainfall, elevation (1.6
km grid), mean maximum temperature, mean minimum temperature, NOAA AVHRR
NDVI's, co-eefficient of variation in annual rainfall.  We also have
Landsat TM imagery and SPOT imagery georeferenced for many parts of SA.
As your e-mail adress was not provided on the user list, please send it
to me at plad at
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Dr A.R. (Tony) Palmer | Roodeplaat Grassland |Tel: Intl-27-461-22638         
Principal Agricultural| Institute            |Fax: Intl-27-461-22398         
Researcher            | PO Box 101           |e-mail:plad at
                      | 6140 Grahamstown     |
                      | South Africa         |                              

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