Further limits of GRASS

N R A nra at cix.compulink.co.uk
Mon Jun 27 14:17:00 EDT 1994

Thanks for the responses to my problem on reading raster data into GRASS.

One response mentioned having run out of space. 

We've installed a new 2Gbyte disk, the DTM ASCII file is about 42Mbytes, 
and there's >1Gbyte free space on it. 

The only thought I've had is how is GRASS processing the file - as our 
IPX only has 16Mbytes of RAM, I suppose it must be using virtual memory - 
is this 'swop space'. If I do a 'df' the system shows '/' has about 
7.5Mbytes, '/usr' has 38Mbytes (+ others). Is the 7.5 Mbytes the swop 
space or is the 38 Mbtyes ?. If it is the 7.5 Mbytes, how can I increase 
the space ?

Please write any responses in words of one syllable, as I've little 
knowledge of UNIX - I know, it shows  8-)

Thanks again in advance,

Steve Culshaw
NRA North West
e-mail : nra at cix.compulink.co.uk (use this for general usage)
or         sculshaw at cix.compulink.co.uk (Private - only checked at best 

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