tcltkgrass driver

PoKung Lin pklin at CERF.NET
Wed Mar 23 10:56:25 EST 1994

Hi frields,

	I compiled tcltkgrass. The compilation process is fine. However,
if I invoke "supper view" window and try to display some map(s) on its
own graphic display, I get nothing responsed back in the graphic window.
In the grass conference Mr.Gilles Clement said that they rewrite the
XDRIVER. I couldn't find the code for XDRIVER in the tcltkgrass.tar.Z
package. Here is my questions:

	1. Do I missing something from ftp?
	2. Where is the new XDRIVER for this "supper view" graphic window?
	   since it really improves the display a lot I would like to see
	3. Does "supper view" graphic window need this new XDRIVER in order
	   to perform its tasks?
	4. Anyone knows how to display a map in supper view could give me
	   an example about how to do it. Do I have to setup the database
	   in some special way to make the display possible?

			Thanks for any information and help in advance

			PK Lin 
			E-mail: pklin at
			Tel: (617)942-1655

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