compiling xgrass under Irix5.2

Conn Copas cvc at
Wed Oct 26 05:03:51 EDT 1994

Irix5.2 users,

Despite trying a variety of compiler flag combinations, I am getting syntax
errors shortly into the compile of xgrass/libes, at Matrix.c. I won't bore the
list with details. Could someone please send me a copy of a make.rules file
which has worked for them? For what it's worth, I am using cc and 4Dwm.

Conn V Copas
Information Technology Division
Defence Science and Technology Organisation
PO Box 1500
Salisbury            tel: +61 (0)8 25 95349
SA  5108             fax: +61 (0)8 25 96781
Australia       e-mail: cvc at

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