[GRASS5] configure.in Wants testers...tk check

Eric G . Miller egm2 at jps.net
Fri Dec 29 13:16:06 EST 2000

On Fri, Dec 29, 2000 at 07:09:09AM -0700, John Huddleston wrote:
> Eric, (Grass)
> I was looking at the configure.in script and was going to make
> the analogous changes to it to resolve the tk check problem
> and noticed that the naming convention for variables is
> not consistent for the X11 logic.   It expects a X_LIBS
> variable to be set.   Following the original syntax, it would

Yes it expects X_LIBS because that is what is set earlier in the
configure script. Also, there was no tk check problem.  If you look more
carefully, the -ltcl$tcltk_ver is added to $LD_FLAGS, but the check is
performed on tk$tcltk_ver.  What's needed for cygwin is the addition of
a tcltk_ver="80".

> Let me know if you want me to edit the configure.in for the
> tk check fix or if you will do it.

No, cause what you describe is not a problem.

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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