[GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:1299] Re: Grass 5b10 make clean
Justin Hickey
jhickey at hpcc.nectec.or.th
Thu Dec 21 06:40:29 EST 2000
Hi Eric
"Eric G . Miller" wrote:
> That's your choice. I have grass sources under /usr/local/src/grass,
> but the binaries are in /usr/local/grass5. So they are not in the
> same directory tree (well, /usr/local ;).
Ahh, now I know where the confusion is. The build directories are not
necessarily the same as the source directories. Lets see if I can
clarify things. The following is my understanding of the GNU set of
directories. The source directories is where the source is stored. The
build directories are where the files that are compiled (libraries and
executables) are stored at the time they are compiled. The installation
directories is where the executables (mainly) are copied to after they
are compiled. However, in typical GNU installations, the build
directories are usually under the source directories.
Now in Grass, we currently have the opposite. The build directories are
under the installation directories. That is, when grass is compiled the
executables are compiled directly to the installation directories. We do
not have a step in the compilation that copies the files from the build
directories to the installation directories. Thus, if we want to clean
the build directories, we must clean the installation directories.
My proposal switches the Makefile to the GNU method of doing things
where the build directories are under the source directory. Then "make"
will build the executables in the build directories which will be stored
under the source directory, in your case /usr/local/src/grass/. Then
"make install" will copy the files to the installation directories, in
your case /usr/local/grass5/. And "make clean" will remove the
executables and libraries from the build directories under
/usr/local/src/grass/. Finally, "make uninstall" will remove the
executables from the installation directory /usr/local/grass5/
So you have a choice for the source and install directories, but the
build directory is dependent on how the Makefile is written. All I'm
doing is rewriting the Makefile so the build directory is in the usual
Are we understanding each other now? I was confused as to what you were
trying to point out. Sorry.
Jazzman (a.k.a. Justin Hickey) e-mail: jhickey at hpcc.nectec.or.th
High Performance Computing Center
National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC)
Bangkok, Thailand
People who think they know everything are very irritating to those
of us who do. ---Anonymous
Jazz and Trek Rule!!!
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