[GRASS5] compiling beta10 on IRIX and CYGWIN/WIN32
Markus Neteler
neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Sat Dec 9 13:06:08 EST 2000
On Sat, Dec 09, 2000 at 01:07:58PM +0100, Andreas Lange wrote:
> Hi 2 all,
> i want to report some problems i found with GRASS5.0beta10 (not the CVS
> version!) on IRIX 6.5 and CYGWIN.
> I am tired of fixing the same problems again and again. So i want to ask
> everyone to remember:
> The Gmakefile lib order _must_ always be:
> Otherwise on IRIX it won't compile. If you are linking to the gis lib,
> you must always include $(MATHLIB), as gis references floor, ceil, etc.
> from the math lib. If you are not sure, add $(XDRLIB) $(MAHTLIB), it
> won't hurt.
Hi Andreas,
actually I don't see the problem:
Is the order:
causing problems? If yes, we have to change 60% (or more) of the Gmakefiles.
If so, please modify SUBMITTING. I have a script here which could do
the change of order.
Generally I was sure that 99% of the Gmakefiles are ok. Obviously I am
How does Justin manage if not (he is using Irix, too)?
As Linux doesn't complain if $(XDRLIB) is missing, what is the rule for this
requirement? Then I can check all Gmakefiles...
Little confused (as beta10 is rather identical to CVS at time),
PS: I'll look into problems mentioned below:
> I had to heavily edit the header file for CYGWIN, there are still a lot
> of problems with include and lib search paths etc.
> And the command line/text mode interface is not working any more.
> Please see the attached file for the problems in detail.
> I have currently no time to work on the fixes myself. I will concentrate
> on the XDRIVER/fifo/ipc stuff.
> Andreas
> --
> Andreas Lange, 65187 Wiesbaden, Germany, Tel. +49 611 807850
> Andreas.Lange at Rhein-Main.de - A.C.Lange at GMX.net
> GRASS5.0beta10:
> g.version has double \n's (fix is on the way)
> gis_set.tcl: -state disabled instead of -state disable
> gis_set.tcl: string compare -nocase: not supported
> although this is supported from tk8.2 on, it is not
> ok to use this if we claim tk8.0 compatibility.
> when converting the man pages:
> many error messages with awf formatter:
> . DE not available (or such)
> g.manual from tcltkgrass:
> Illegal option -- P
> Usage: man ...
> g.manual entries=d.area -f:
> Usage:
> g.manual .....
> this is all messed up, rman: please do not ask the user to install
> something from within Usage info. This will confuse "ordinary" users.
> CELL driver seems to work on IRIX in latlon. (colors sometimes incorrect)
> in spearfish/UTM the intermittend white lines still appear.
> r.mapcalc:
> couldn't reproduce the behaviour Anantha Prasad reported.
> This BUG is gone.
> The problem with the reduce/reduce conflicts on compiling
> can IMHO be ignored, as the output of the parser is parsed again
> with a C program. To my knowledge the parser is ok and
> i know of no errors.
> This is the same with r3.mapcalc.
> r.in.png does not work
> (r.out.png, then r.in.png with this image gives me a totally white
> raster on IRIX). r.stats says: 100% * (NULL)
> r.in.tiff on IRIX:
> r.in.tiff [1591] - out of logical swap space during exec - see swap(1M)
> killed.
> argh, i have 128 MB RAM and another 128 M RAM swap.
> Must be some sort of segfault. This happens when invoking only
> r.in.tiff, without any arguments!
> wrong order of libs: $(MATHLIB) in
> src.garden/answers/src.answers/display/d.lingraph/cmd/Gmakefile
> src.contrib/GMSL/g3d/src3d/raster/r3.showdspf.openGL/Gmakefile
> grass5
> /usr/local/grass5/etc/Init.sh: not found
> does not start with and without any commandline flag (-text, -tcltk etc.)
> g.help:
> PAGEUP/PAGEDOWN: doesn't work on every terminal.
> E. g. on IRIX it is broken.
> This needs to take the termcap into account. It is not possible
> to hardcode the keycodes into the program.
> t.roads.inf from spearfish database is broken/wrong format.
> no cat support (informix db?)
> tests that i performed:
> for f in `g.mlist type=rast` ; do
> d.erase white
> echo "plotting $f"
> d.rast $f
> sleep 2
> done
> and with d.vect, d.area, d.site etc.
> --
> andreas lange, 12/2000
Dipl.-Geogr. Markus Neteler * University of Hannover
Institute of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Schneiderberg 50 * D-30167 Hannover * Germany
Tel: ++49-(0)511-762-4494 Fax: -3984
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