[GRASS5] configure.in Wants testers...

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Tue Nov 28 05:28:34 EST 2000

On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 01:08:00AM -0800, Eric G . Miller wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 03:34:39PM +0700, Justin Hickey wrote:

> What I gleaned from the AutoConf docs I have, is that $top_srcdir should
> be used to reference the TOP src directory.  Apparently it's not being
> expanded, so I'll look into a way to make it be forcably expanded.

As I am just happen to fill a bug report for autconf, you might be
interested to read it, though it might not be directly related to your

It is bug #160  and you can get to the bug database from

The mailinglists there might be another good point for specific autoconf

Here is the text:
       	There are two kind of preset output variables for Makefiles
        in autoconf. The first kind delivers(@prefix@) 
        and the second kind only works if you are actually 
        using it in a makefile and have certain other
        variables already defined.


        just alone will not work in a Makefile.in, because it
        might get replaced with ${prefix}, so you need at least


        this is confusing and inconsistant. I would expect these
        predefined variables for paths just to give me the path
        having done all relevant substitutions already. This way I 
        can also use them in other file not just real Makefiles.

        If you think this is the correct behavious it still is a 
        documentation bug. There should be a warning that you need to
        have certain variables ready for shell substituion 
        if you want to use @exec_prefix@ or @libdir at .


Professional Service around Free Software                (intevation.net)  
The FreeGIS Project				            (freegis.org)
Association for a Free Informational Infrastructure            (ffii.org)
FSF Europe					      (www.fsfeurope.org)
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