[GRASS5] Modifying GRASS 4.3

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Fri Nov 3 12:44:35 EST 2000

Hi Matt,

thanks for making contact with us.
This list is mainly for the GRASS5 development, but of course we are
happy over all improvements which are made to the GRASS source code.
So please publish them.

I assume that you are starting to enchance GRASS4.3 because your
professor is using this. It there a chance that your chances can be
useful for the GRASS5 codebase, too? There is a chance that your
professor will consider changing to version 5 of grass in the future.
(He does not need to, of course.)


On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 05:03:02PM -0800, Matt Hillebrand wrote:
> I was told that I ought to post to this list regarding the modifications I
> am making to two GRASS 4.3 programs (r.mapcalc and r.volume).
> I'm creating an X Windows program that incorporates the code for r.mapcalc
> and r.volume so that these two modules can be called as functions from
> within my program. Furthermore, their code will be modified so that they
> may receive input in the form of two dimensional arrays in memory. The
> output of r.mapcalc will also be an array in memory. The way r.volume
> stores its output will remain the same.
> This is being done to cater to the needs of my client, a Biological and
> Agricultural Engineering professor at the University of Idaho. Currently
> he's using shell scripts to execute r.mapcalc dozens of times, and at the
> end of his shell script, there are several calls to r.volume. Because of
> the frequent disk i/o (and use of compression), my client's
> current situation is very, very time consuming.
> I'm not sure if this is going to be useful for anyone else or not. I'd be
> happy to post my code when the project is completed.
> Matthew P. Hillebrand
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Professional Service around Free Software                (intevation.net)  
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