[GRASS5] Re: 5.1 architecture

John Reid jgreid at uow.edu.au
Wed Apr 11 12:06:08 EDT 2001


B. Byars wrote:

> John,
> Major architecture changes should be planned for release 6.x  It would be better
> for Markus and his crew to concentrate on enhancing 5.x rather than worry with
> major architecture changes.  There will still need to be features added for a 5.1
> without a major architecture change.
> Bruce

Sorry, didn't make myself clear.  These were just pie in the sky ideas - 
I would mainly like some feedback if this idea makes any sense for long 
term planning (yes/no - if yes I'll investigate further).  Definitely 
post 5.1.  However, my intention is not a major architecture redesign, 
I'm thinking of something more similar in scope to the new graphical 

However, defintely would appreciate any pointers to any information on 
standards comparisons and CORBA/GRASS.


john reid                                  e-mail john_reid at uow.edu.au
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