[GRASS5] Re: [winGRASS] newbie question: XFree86 and GRASS

Mike Thomas miketh at brisbane.paradigmgeo.com
Mon Dec 10 19:35:01 EST 2001

Hi there.

> at the first thought this seems to be a good idea. But i don't know if
> some of the d.* modules and other parts are linked to the X libraries.

I think from memory that d.scale is the only outlier - this is not really a
problem top sort out.

> And we will have to provide some sort of installtion script or a
> detailed installation instruction (for windows users?).
> I decided to stick to the X11 based distribution. This does not mean
> that i don't like the effort with the libG11.dll, but i don't have the
> time to support the other version too.

This is a reasonable approach.  For the time being I could just put together
a native XDriver and associated modules as a small archive, with a script to
unpack over the main distribution, renaming the original files.  Possibly a
second script to switch between the two.

I hope to be able to do this soon (barring school holiday unforeseen
commitments), as last night I got a flash of understanding of the native
xlib screen refresh and event handling.  There is still lots of stuff to
clear up, but I now have some light to work by and the XDriver refreshes
itself so it looks lots nicer.

> NB: The cygwin installer was recently improved very much. I'll look if i
> can build a cygwin installable version, which will make installation
> very easy (one mouse click).

Seems the best approach.


Mike Thomas.

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