[GRASS5] r.in.gdal tiff and adf

Helena hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Thu Dec 20 16:35:55 EST 2001

Thank you for your answers. I have the files imported using other means but if anybody
would like to look at them they are at
the binary arcgrid is
in the directory lulc
and the tiff file is
output of tiffinfo is in the file tiffinfo
Markus cannot read it with r.in.gdal either, so there may be a problem.

thank you,


"Eric G. Miller" wrote:

> On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 13:08:17 -0500, Helena Mitasova <hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu> wrote:
> > I have finally downloaded gdal and I am trying to run some tests.
> > So far I had the following problems:
> >
> > 1. I tried to import Arcinfo grid binary, but it is not recognized
> > (it is listed as supported with the suffix aig - do I understand it
> > correctly?):
> >
> > ERROR 4: `w001001.adf' not recognised as a supported file format.
> >
> > the coverage has these files:
> > dblbnd.adf  hdr.adf  log  prj.adf  sta.adf  vat.adf  w001001.adf
> > w001001x.adf
> Haven't tried binary grid support ... ?  I usually use GRIDASCII and
> r.in.arc...
> > 2. I have tiff images which can be imported with r.in.tiff but gdal does
> > not like them.
> > These files were created from sid probably on Mac - is there anything
> > that one should do when converting to tiff to make sure it can be
> > imported
> > by r.in.gdal?
> >
> > GRASS:/data/indata/LakeWheeler/Gis/data/color_ir > r.in.gdal
> > c0792_004.TIF out=test
> > ERROR 1: c0792_004.TIF:0: Bad value for "SamplesPerPixel
> Hmm, I'm surprised gdal would barf where r.in.tiff would do okay (the
> opposite is usually true).  I dunno for sure, but is your gdal using
> a static tiff library?  Otherwise, both should be using the same
> libtiff ...?  Boggle?  Do you have tiffinfo installed? Or gdalinfo ?
> If so, what is "their" opinion of these files?
> > any feedback will be appreciated,
> Frank is obviously the best person to ask regarding GDAL...
> --
> Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>
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