[GRASS5] vtorast2

Helena Mitasova - staff helena at gis.uiuc.edu
Tue Jan 23 13:07:34 EST 2001


1. r.enforce takes a line vector data set (such as streams) and
"carves it" into the DEM with a given depth and width.
See the result at
Figure 5
There was supposed to be a manual for it in appendix,
Bill if you could write a little man page for it that would be great.

2. I found v.to.rast2 in one of our versions of GRASS - it outputs
the direction of line in the cell where the line is (as an aspect angle)
instead of just 1. The angle of course depends on how the line was
digitized. After little testing this could be merged or replace
the old v.to.rast (maybe a flag would allow the user to select whether
he wants 1 or angle). It is useful for many transport applications as
it allows to provide info about preferential flow direction (in streams,
channels, drainage, along roads etc.). 

it is at http://www2.gis.uiuc.edu:2280/modviz/grass5/vtorastangle.tar 

Please include it in GRASS5.1 for future development
I will put some pictures on the web illustrating what it does and
what it is useful for.

3.> What is rcontourbeta4? Anything improved?
>It seems to generate identical output.

No, it should be the same one that you have - if your error message 
(which should be changed to warning probably) was a real bug and caused
r.contour to create bad output, this would be the version that
works - but you obviously already have it.

4. Bill can you please put the SGI GL version of NVIZ where
the lights work (I believe that we called it nv and it was in
our FP GRASS4.2) and where there is the floetracing in what-is-here
If you cannot do it anytime soon, let me know, I will try to find it.



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