[GRASS5] How to fix bug on tracker

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Fri Jan 5 08:13:27 EST 2001

On Fri, Jan 05, 2001 at 06:40:44PM +0700, Justin Hickey wrote:
> Hello
> Now that I have fixed the v.digit bug, how do I indicate that it is
> fixed on the bug tracker site? I tried the resolve link but it said I
> didn't have permission.

In the next days 
we will add accounts for all developers interested.

Professional Service around Free Software                (intevation.net)  
The FreeGIS Project                                         (freegis.org)
Association for a Free Informational Infrastructure            (ffii.org)
FSF Europe                                            (www.fsfeurope.org)
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