[GRASS5] Recommended tweak for 5.1

David D Gray ddgray at armadce.demon.co.uk
Fri Mar 30 08:47:22 EST 2001

Radim Blazek wrote:
> Michel Wurtz wrote:
> >
> > By the way, what function (apart v.in.dxf and v.out.dxf) uses the ascii
> > vector format ?  If they are alone, we can also change v.[in|out].ascii
> > in order to store the ident attribute of lines and polygons in the same
> > file...
> v.[in|out].ascii is already rewritten so that it can read/write category(ies)
> from/to vector ascii (in grass51 repository)
> > This could also lead to a complete rewrite of v.[in|out].dxf, because
> > you must use the vector library for input/output on grass side.
> > Probably a good idea, but it will take some time I have not yet !
> v.[in|out].dxf should be rewritten to work on binary vector and
> merge v.in.dxf, v.in.dxf2 and v.in.dxf3d. I think that we should use
> some dxf library (to support new dxf versions). Does anybody know about
> some GPL dxf library in C? I have found only http://omega.sim.no/coin3d/dime_about.xml
> which is C++.

I agree that is the overall strategy. But if all the vector imports are
to employ the same calls, the DXF API would have to be compatible with
the intermediate structures created by the other imports. Maybe it is
still better to use lex/yacc - or maybe a regex API.

> All for grass51.

Some work could be done earlier to get an import much as the others work
now (well, when they do . . ) for 5.0.1 for example. But not multicat
support or database support.


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