[GRASS5] [bug #800] (grass) downloading and installing GRASS 5 for Mac OS-X

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Wed Sep 19 04:55:57 EDT 2001

On Thu, Sep 13, 2001 at 01:53:40AM +0200, Request Tracker wrote:
> this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=800
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: downloading and installing GRASS 5 for Mac OS-X
> Platform: Mac OS-X
> grass downloaded at: Baylor site
> grass binary for platform: Mac OS X binaries
> I downloaded all the pieces of GRASS 5 for Mac OS X. I then cat'ed the 
> pieces into a tar.gz file as per the installation instructions. I had to find 
> the installation shell program from another locale (the Linux binaries ftp 
> site) because it was not in the Mac OS X site. 
> When I ran the install program according to instructions, it reported an 
> incorrect file size when trying to unzip the cat'ed binary file. I have tried 
> downloading in a couple different ways (web browser, ftp program) and 
> from 2 different locales on the Baylor site. I also tried to unzip the tar.gz 
> file using a different unzipper (i.e., stuffit). In all cases I received a 
> similar error message. 
> Are all the pieces of the binary on the Baylor site? Is it possible that one 
> piece is corrupted? The shell install program suggests that it is 
> universal. Is it OK to use the copy from the Linux site or do I need a Mac 
> OS X (i.e., BSD) version? 
> Any help would be appreciated

Sorry for the delay.

It is important to use the "grass5install.sh" which comes along with
the binaries since platform dependent information are stored in this
script. so it is impossible to use grass5install.sh from Linux for
MacOSX installation.

My suggestion is to wait a few days - GRASS 5.0.0pre2 binaries should be
available then.

Kind regards

Markus Neteler

ITC-irst, Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica
     Project on Predictive Models for the Environment    
Via Sommarive, 18        -      38050 Povo (Trento), Italia
tel +39 0461 314 -520 (fax -591)          http://mpa.itc.it

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