[GRASS5] [bug #976] (grass) v.transform would not read that header of files

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Thu Apr 4 01:34:38 EST 2002

On Thursday 04 April 2002 01:56 am, rgrmill at rt66.com wrote:
> > I have changed v.transform to read/write binary vectors.
> > Roger, can you test it?
> Thank's a lot Radim.  I ran a test.  The new v.transform read and wrote
> the binary files correctly, but died on a segmentation fault after
> writing the output file.  Is it supposed to also transform the dig_atts
> file?  It did not.

dig_att should be transformed, where it crashes? For me it prints:
 Now transforming the vectors ...
 'v.transform' has finished the transformation of the vectors.
 'v.transform' has finished the transformation of the vector's attribute file.
Transformation is complete.

The code for transformation of attributes was not changed, and i cannot get
the segfault - i tested warious combinations of non existing files 
/directories and incorect records in dig_att. So i don't know.

You could maybe 'strace v.transform' so that we know if dig_att was opened.


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