[GRASS5] [bug #1023] (grass) v.extract again
Request Tracker
grass-bugs at intevation.de
Fri Apr 19 11:03:46 EDT 2002
this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=1023
I'm need v.extract again and it doesn't work.
I think that the problems are:
int cat_array[5000]; declare array of 5000 cat
but all the loop's like
for (i = 0; listopt->answers[i]; i++)
scan_names (&cats, listopt->answers[i], &x);
cat_array[cat_index] = x;
while (1)
if (!fgets (buffr, 39, in)) break;
sscanf (buffr, "%[a-zA-Z., -_/$%@!#0-9]", text);
/*sscanf (buffr, "%s", text); */
/*scan %s stops at whitespace?*/
scan_names (&cats, text, &x);
cat_array[cat_index] = x;
while (x <= y)
cat_array[cat_index] = x++;
and others don't check the max of the cat_array array (5000). I'm working with a small area of my country (I'm live at Uruguay a small country in South America). I have more than 5000 lines to extract then I recieve segmentation fault message. I think put categories to extract in a array It's a bad idea.
To set the number of categories the program use
recd = pcats->num;
I think this is the numbrer of the max. categorie, but not number of categories. The code must be:
recd = pcats->ncats;
I debug another errors but I don't now what happend yet.
I don't have to much time to fix this errors (I'm a Civil Environment-Hydraulic Engineer not a programmer) but I'll try.
Thank you for your time. Fernando Pacheco.
P.D. -> Since 01/May/2002 where are mirror site of grass at http://www.dinama.gub.uy/grass/.
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Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 10:28:50 -0300
From: "Ing. Civil H/A Fernando Pacheco" <fpacheco at dinama.gub.uy>
To: neteler at itc.it
Subject: v.extract again
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