[GRASS5] Proj library update

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Sun Apr 21 17:12:50 EDT 2002

Roger Miller wrote:

> > The datum tables (and their compiler) also need to be added at some
> > point.
> Where?  the program nad2bin depends on projects.h, but is otherwise a 
> standalone program.  It needs to be run at installation time but then is no 
> longer needed.  The ascii tables should be shipped with the distribution.  
> nad2bin should be used during installation to convert them to binary and 
> store them in $GISBASE/etc/nad, after that the ascii form is no longer needed.
> So, where do the nad2bin.c code and the ascii data tables need to be placed 
> in the CVS tree?

If they're shipped with, and used by, the PROJ library, then
src/libes/proj would be the logical place.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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