[GRASS5] documentation

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Tue Apr 30 08:19:41 EDT 2002

Hi Moritz,
sounds like a plan.

On Tue, Apr 30, 2002 at 01:14:53PM +0200, Moritz Lennert wrote:
> The French list is very actively preparing work on documentation. 
Say hi to all the French people! :)

> As we've discussed here as well, docbook-xml seems a good
> solution. Someone suggested getxml (gettext for xml) for
> internationalization. I don't know getxml, yet, so I'll have to
> look into that, but if we could get some gettext functionality
> that would be great.

I did not dig into that question.
As long as we end up with a transparent Free Software solution, it's fine.

> Another question that came up: should we create a 'documentation'
> repository in cvs ? At the moment, there is one for the French
> side, but maybe a centralized repository would be better. And I
> believe that it should be seperate from the grass source tree in
> order not to complicate issues of release branching etc.

If you think such a module would be useful, let me know.
You are probably a better person to judge this.
Please make a suggestion for the name of the CVS module then.
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