[GRASS5] probs with .dxf import

Roger Miller rgrmill at rt66.com
Fri Feb 15 15:30:02 EST 2002

On Fri, 15 Feb 2002, Heiko Kehlenbrink wrote:

> Well Roger,
> thank you for spending time on it.
> Will you send a bug report to th bug tracker?

I thought I might try to find the problem before using the bug tracker.

> Btw what applications do you use for xtracting the VERTEX data?

It's a small utility that I wrote several years ago.  I was able to read
the dxf file with Surfer 6 and with Star Office.  I think either of those
applications probably could have been used to re-write a dxf that GRASS
could understand.

> Will you pour ma a favour and send me the dig_ascii files you made?

No problem, but under separate cover.
> Is it possible that the Sample.dxf is a diffrent (maybe newer) 
> .dxf-version than GRASS could deal with?

I don't think it's that simple.  It may have had something to do with the
fact that the polyline objects weren't closed, or something even more
obscure, like the polylines weren't assigned to a named layer. 

Roger Miller

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