[GRASS5] s.to.rast

Helena hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Thu Mar 14 22:31:23 EST 2002

"Eric G. Miller" wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 03:13:32PM -0600, Helena wrote:
> > Some time ago Kevin reported here that s.to.rast runs forever.  I
> > looked into bug reports but did not find it there and I did not find
> > it among NEWS for latest CVS snapshot, but I may have overlooked
> > something- was it fixed?
> >
> > I use s.to.rast a lot and I never had that problem untill yesterday
> > when I had gridded site data (at 1m step) and I ran s.to.rast on them
> > with the resolution 1m and region given from the site data. It was
> > running forever.  Changing the resolution to 1.1m or keeping the
> > resolution at 1m and changing the region solved the problem, however
> > this looks like bug to me. Before investigating further I would like
> > to ask whether anybody has looked into it.  (I am running pre2 but we
> > have just installed the latest snapshot so I can try it there).
> How far along does it get, according to messages printed?  It sounds
> like an endless loop, but so far, I don't see where this would happen.
> Only way I see the region setting could make it get stuck, is in the
> calculations of the rows/cols to write.  Perhaps the sanity checks are
> missing a corner case?

I put the file and the messages with notes how long it runs at:
data are xyzapr01, messages and my notes are storast
There seems to be something wrong when the resolution is smaller than
certain threshold:
with resolution 1m (same as the data) it ran 5 minutes, writes WARNING
about sites written more than once

after almost 5 minutes
                              0.9m  I killed it after 25 minutes
                              1.05m it ran less than 30 sec, writes the
WARNING immediately
                              1.1m less than 30 sec
This may not be bug, but just some bad algorithm.


> --
> Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>
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