[GRASS5] NVIZ Development

Harald Wehr hwehr at hs-harz.de
Wed Oct 16 01:34:49 EDT 2002

Hi Bob,

 >Thanks for trying the d.nviz program. From your output it appears that
 >you only ran it with one point (?). Like r.profile the profile= option
 >should be a comma separated series of geographic coordinates tracing >the
 >route. To generate these quickly you could run d.nviz with the "-i"
 >option which will let you select the path interactively (like >r.profile)
 >from the GRASS monitor.

I tried this too. But similar faults occur again. Just to be sure: I 
have to produce the script with d.nviz. Then in NVIZ i go in the 
"Scripting"-Menu, load the script and say play?

 >I also notice that you are using dist=2 and ht=500. This will give a
 >view almost directly down at the DEM. In other words the eye position >is
 >2 meters behind and 500 metres above the scene center.

Yes. I got this.

 >The email address you tried was correct. I know the site that hosts my
 >email will not allow certain attachment types because of potential
 >viruses. I suspect that it simply did not like the attachment type >(even
 >though it was harmless)??

It did not work without any attachments too. I'm curious about that. 
Just this mail came back and it does not have any attachments.

 >I hope this helps. Let me know any other questions you might have.

Can I only test a "normal" flight from north to south by a script or can 
this be done with NVIZ-gui too?


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