[GRASS5] Re: 57 compile error

Kirk R. Wythers kwythers at UMN.EDU
Thu Dec 11 12:55:29 EST 2003

I have been working with different configure combinations for a 57  
build (see below) and now I am struggling with a nad2bin issue.

The make error is:
OBJ.powerpc-apple-darwin7.0.0/ellipse.o -lgrass_gis -lgrass_datetime   
-lintl -lproj  -L/usr/local/lib -lgdal -o  
for i in FL.lla MD.lla TN.lla WI.lla WO.lla alaska.lla conus.lla  
hawaii.lla prvi.lla stgeorge.lla stlrnc.lla stpaul.lla ; do nad2bin <  
etc/nad/`echo $i | sed 's/.lla//'`; done
/bin/sh: line 1: nad2bin: command not found
/bin/sh: line 1: nad2bin: command not found
/bin/sh: line 1: nad2bin: command not found
/bin/sh: line 1: nad2bin: command not found
/bin/sh: line 1: nad2bin: command not found
/bin/sh: line 1: nad2bin: command not found
/bin/sh: line 1: nad2bin: command not found
/bin/sh: line 1: nad2bin: command not found
/bin/sh: line 1: nad2bin: command not found
/bin/sh: line 1: nad2bin: command not found
/bin/sh: line 1: nad2bin: command not found
/bin/sh: line 1: nad2bin: command not found
make[2]: ***  
darwin7.0.0/etc/nad] Error 127
make[1]: *** [subdirs] Error 1
make: *** [default] Error 1

Here are the config switches I used:
./configure --with-grass50=/Users/kirkw/tmp/grass53_exp_2003_12_06/ \
    --enable-shared \
    --with-includes=/sw/include \
    --with-libs=/sw/lib \
    --with-tiff-includes=/sw/include \
    --with-tiff-libs=/sw/lib \
    --with-tcltk-includes=/sw/include \
    --with-tcltk-libs=/sw/lib/tcl8.4 \
    --with-opengl-libs=/usr/X11R6/lib \
    --with-opengl-includes=/usr/X11R6/include \
    --with-fftw-includes=/sw/include/ \
    --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config \
    --with-postgres-includes=/sw/include/postgresql \
    --with-postgres-libs=/sw/lib/postgresql \
    --with-odbc \
    --with-motif \
    --with-glw \

Ever seen this one before?


On Dec 11, 2003, at 8:56 AM, Markus Neteler wrote:

> Your problem looks like a configure issue.
> In ./db/drivers/postgres/Makefile
> CRYPTLIB = -lcrypt
> is hardcoded. Maybe this should go elsewhere into Platform.make
> ?
> Markus
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