[GRASS5] Mac OSX binary install directions

Christopher Fonnesbeck chris at fonnesbeck.org
Fri Dec 12 12:55:41 EST 2003

On Dec 12, 2003, at 10:11 AM, Kirk R. Wythers wrote:

> On Dec 11, 2003, at 10:11 AM, Michael Barton wrote:
>> As Hamish notes, this is optional
>>> 3) Install R-statistics[2]
>>> This is optional, but useful for geostats. Click on CRAN, choose a 
>>> mirror,
>>> click on R Binaries, macosx, and download RAqua.dmg. Double click on 
>>> that
>>> package and install tcltk, libreadline, and finally RAqua. This 
>>> installs
>>> the OSX port of R to Applications/StartR. I made a link to this 
>>> application
>>> so I could start R from the command line by typing "R":
>>> (as root)
>>> mkdir /usr/local/bin  (if it doesn't already exist)
>>> ln -s /Applications/StartR.app/Contents/MacOS/StartR /usr/local/bin/R
>>> Next, start R and type:
>>> install.packages("akima")
>>> install.packages("VR")
>>> install.packages("GRASS")
>>> install.packages("RODBC")
>>> install.packages("grasper")
>>> install.packages("mgcv")
>>> install.packages("shapefiles")
>>> .. and any other packages that might look interesting to you
>>> The GRASS website has a useful R primer[3].
> Why did you not install from fink?
> This is not at all a criticism, but rather a legitimate query. It has 
> been my experience that one of the major sources of confusion with OSX 
>  is that there are several options for installing unix software (and 
> the fact that some of them work better for particular packages than 
> others).

I don't like using fink unless I **have** to. Otherwise, I end up with 
multiple versions of applications and libraries, and conflicts between 
versions. For example, if I already have python2.3 on my system, I 
don't need fink installing another one. I have installed GRASS from cvs 
on my powerbook without any use of fink, so it is not necessary.

Christopher J. Fonnesbeck ( c h r i s @ f o n n e s b e c k . o r g )
Georgia Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, University of Georgia

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