[GRASS5] FW: [winGRASS] libgrass_gis.dll was not found !

Andrea Antonello moovida at katamail.com
Mon Dec 6 11:26:58 EST 2004

> Cygwin shared libraries are always .dll (well any I have ever seen and
> certainly the GRASS ones).

Thanks Paul! Hmm, my ignorance. So the next question (so that I can see the 
light at some point): Can I use that dll to call it's functions outside of 
the Cygwin environment? Let's say I want to call some function from inside a 
java environment. Obviously supplying the needed grass environment. Is that 

> Thanks for your replies. File libgrass_gis.dll does not exist in my
> system... Where can I find it?(if it is the only one that I am
> missing...)

Dear Sotiris, I'm sorry, but I have no idea. I was thinking it was some 
missplaced path, but you really miss the library.
Guess Paul will tell us the solution.

Best regards,

HydroloGIS - Environmental Open Source Solutions

Andrea Antonello
Environmental Engineer
mobile:  +393288497722

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if you want to be called wise."
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